From Arucona Pen and Paper-clip Holders to Symbolic Bees: A Harmony of Design and History

The Arucona Paper-Clip Holder, designed to complement the Arucona Pen Holder, beautifully mirrors the harmonious synergy found in nature’s honeycombs. Just as bees intricately weave their cells together to create a thriving hive, these two pieces come together to offer you a workspace that exudes both elegance and utility. This combination forms a seamless harmony, allowing you to effortlessly organize your essentials while adding a touch of nature’s brilliance to your surroundings.

Much like the diligent bees harmoniously navigating their bustling hive with precision, Woodsaka’s Arucona duo serves as a symbolic reminder of the vital role organization plays in enhancing productivity. Each meticulously crafted honeycomb cell, hewn from walnut wood, offers a dedicated sanctuary for your writing tools and paper-clips. It beckons you to embrace the industrious work ethic of bees, inspiring focus and efficiency in your daily endeavors.

As we delve into the exquisite design and functionality of Arucona’s honeycomb-shaped pen holder and paper-clip holder, it’s impossible not to be captivated by the artistry inspired by nature’s marvels. The hexagonal wonders of these wooden pen holders reflect not only the precision and diligence of bees but also the elegance of woodworking. Now, let’s delve deeper into the profound symbolism that bees have held throughout history, revealing a connection between these industrious insects and the very essence of human creativity and organization.

Across a multitude of ancient societies, the bee bore a distinct religious importance. The ancient Mycenaean tombs known for their monumental “tholos” structures resembling beehives, hold a special connection to the honey bee. Decorative artifacts within the tombs suggest a ritual purpose, perhaps to protect the deceased in the afterlife, similar to how ancient Egyptians used scarab seals and amulets. Intriguingly, circular designs like the Flower of Life and the honey bee icon, found on ritual plates, highlight the reverence for these sacred insects.

In Aegean cultures, the bee represented Potnia, the Goddess of Animals, with her priestesses named Melissas, meaning honey bees. This adoration extended to priestesses of Artemis and Demeter, also referred to as Bees. This enduring bond between humans and honey bees is further mirrored in the architectural design of the tholos tombs, embodying the honeycomb’s shape. This connection echoes a time-honored relationship dating back over 8,500 years to Anatolia, as unveiled by a 2015 study[1].

The bee held a unique religious significance for ancient societies that diverges from modern notions. In ancient Egypt, the bee served as a common hieroglyph representing the Pharaoh’s rule over Lower Egypt. This enigmatic emblem took on a deeper meaning as it symbolized the soul of the dead, specifically the Ka or vital force of an individual, in rituals like the ‘Opening of the Mouth.’ Remarkably, honey was a customary offering during these ceremonies of rebirth. Egyptian mythology even held that when the god Re shed tears, they transformed into bees upon touching the earth, bearing messages to humanity. This intricate web of beliefs showcases the profound role bees played in bridging the gap between the earthly and the divine.

This Egyptian belief might even be intertwined with later Orphic practices for the departed, as hinted by references to bee-related terms in Orphic writings. Virgil, for instance, drew upon the bee’s connotation of resurrection in his depiction of Orpheus and Eurydice. Similarly, the Hittite Telepinu myth reveals an ancient tale where the bee, acting as a magical agent, awakens a deity. This symbolism of the bee’s mystical power transcended boundaries, resonating in Minoan Crete where serpent motifs encircled honeycombs, signifying the divine feminine. Golden bees and honeycombs found in ancient tombs further underpin the bee’s role in the destiny of the deceased. This intricate exploration unequivocally unveils that both the bee and its honey encapsulated religious themes, particularly those tied to death and resurrection in early Greek culture[2].

Ancient Greeks held deep reverence for bees, evident in their frequent appearance in mythology. Notable figures like Plato, the philosopher, had bees woven into their narratives; as an infant, a swarm of bees settled on Plato’s mouth. Pindar, an Ancient Greek poet, was said to have been nurtured by bees with honey instead of milk. Greek philosopher Pythagoras held the belief that the souls of the wise and ingenious transmigrated into the bodies of bees, further cementing the profound connection between these creatures and Greek thought. Bees in the eyes of ancient Romans held a special significance tied to their beliefs about the god Jupiter, akin to the Greek Zeus. Romans thought that bees nourished Jupiter during his infancy, linking these creatures to divine care.

Various traditions also associated bees with messages from the Divine or realms beyond our own, even the soul and heaven. Celts and Saxons considered bees as messengers that fluttered between worlds while in European folklore, it was believed that only bees and eagles could access heaven.

A dragon, with honeycomb-like skin, a mighty ruler of both air and water, stands as China’s paramount emblem[3]. Bees hold a significant symbol of life and fertility, particularly in Hindu beliefs. In the Rig Veda, a sacred text, the deity Vishnu created a miraculous spring from his footprint, yielding mead instead of water. Drinking from this spring meant becoming pregnant, as mead is derived from honey. This association between bees and fertility persists in Hindu culture due to this connection. Bees play a vital role as natural pollinators. When they gather nectar, the pollen they carry leads to plant fertilization, ultimately resulting in the birth of seeds and the sprouting of new life. Thus, the bee’s symbolism encompasses the essence of life itself.

Bees and honey hold notable places in The Bible. In its rich symbolism, bees are invoked to ‘drive away’ adversaries, while honey is symbolic of abundance and rewards. The Book of Judges recounts a curious tale of Samson and the honey found in a lion’s carcass. The significance of bees extends to the Quran, where they receive explicit guidance from God. Likewise, in Judaism, bees find mention in the Torah, and honey plays a role in several Jewish traditions, including Rosh Hashanah. Across these religious texts, bees and honey embody layers of meaning, from protection and divine direction to spiritual celebrations[4].

It was worth delving into the rich symbolism that bees have held throughout history. Just as our desktop organizers draw inspiration from the bees’ architectural precision, the symbolic significance of bees transcended generations. As mentioned above, from ancient civilizations to modern societies, bees have represented diligence, order, and unity. The hexagonal wonders of their hives reflect not only nature’s elegance but also the collective power of collaboration.

As we embrace the Arucona pen and paper-clip holders in our workspaces, we pay homage to the timeless symbolism of bees, reminding ourselves of the profound impact that meticulous organization and collective effort can have on our lives. Like bees collaborating to build a perfect home, the Arucona Paper-Clip Holder and Pen Holder collaborate to simplify your work environment. With this pair, you can neatly stow away not only your writing instruments but also those tiny essentials – paper clips – in a dedicated, unified space.

[1] Sparavigna, Amelia Carolina and Baldi, Mauro Maria, Flower of Life, Six-Fold Symmetry and Honeycomb Packing of Circles in the Mycenaean Geometry (March 29, 2016). Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=2756099 or http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.2756099

[2] Thomas, G. T. (1978). RELIGIOUS BACKGROUND FOR VIRGIL’S BEE SYMBOL IN THE “GEORGICS.” Vergilius (1959-), 24, 32–36. http://www.jstor.org/stable/41591791

[3] Saulius Gecas (2014) Between symbolism and metaphor, Journal of Architecture and Urbanism, 38:4, 283-292, DOI: 10.3846/20297955.2014.999432

[4] https://www.buzzaboutbees.net/what-do-bees-symbolize.html



From Arucona Pen and Paper-clip Holders to Symbolic Bees: A Harmony of Design and History

The Arucona Paper-Clip Holder, designed to complement the Arucona Pen Holder, beautifully mirrors the harmonious synergy found in nature’s honeycombs. Just as bees intricately weave their cells together to create a thriving hive, these two pieces come together to offer you a workspace that exudes both elegance and utility. This combination forms a seamless harmony, allowing you to effortlessly organize your essentials while adding a touch of nature’s brilliance to your surroundings.

Much like the diligent bees harmoniously navigating their bustling hive with precision, Woodsaka’s Arucona duo serves as a symbolic reminder of the vital role organization plays in enhancing productivity. Each meticulously crafted honeycomb cell, hewn from walnut wood, offers a dedicated sanctuary for your writing tools and paper-clips. It beckons you to embrace the industrious work ethic of bees, inspiring focus and efficiency in your daily endeavors.

As we delve into the exquisite design and functionality of Arucona’s honeycomb-shaped pen holder and paper-clip holder, it’s impossible not to be captivated by the artistry inspired by nature’s marvels. The hexagonal wonders of these wooden pen holders reflect not only the precision and diligence of bees but also the elegance of woodworking. Now, let’s delve deeper into the profound symbolism that bees have held throughout history, revealing a connection between these industrious insects and the very essence of human creativity and organization.

Across a multitude of ancient societies, the bee bore a distinct religious importance. The ancient Mycenaean tombs known for their monumental “tholos” structures resembling beehives, hold a special connection to the honey bee. Decorative artifacts within the tombs suggest a ritual purpose, perhaps to protect the deceased in the afterlife, similar to how ancient Egyptians used scarab seals and amulets. Intriguingly, circular designs like the Flower of Life and the honey bee icon, found on ritual plates, highlight the reverence for these sacred insects.

In Aegean cultures, the bee represented Potnia, the Goddess of Animals, with her priestesses named Melissas, meaning honey bees. This adoration extended to priestesses of Artemis and Demeter, also referred to as Bees. This enduring bond between humans and honey bees is further mirrored in the architectural design of the tholos tombs, embodying the honeycomb’s shape. This connection echoes a time-honored relationship dating back over 8,500 years to Anatolia, as unveiled by a 2015 study[1].

The bee held a unique religious significance for ancient societies that diverges from modern notions. In ancient Egypt, the bee served as a common hieroglyph representing the Pharaoh’s rule over Lower Egypt. This enigmatic emblem took on a deeper meaning as it symbolized the soul of the dead, specifically the Ka or vital force of an individual, in rituals like the ‘Opening of the Mouth.’ Remarkably, honey was a customary offering during these ceremonies of rebirth. Egyptian mythology even held that when the god Re shed tears, they transformed into bees upon touching the earth, bearing messages to humanity. This intricate web of beliefs showcases the profound role bees played in bridging the gap between the earthly and the divine.

This Egyptian belief might even be intertwined with later Orphic practices for the departed, as hinted by references to bee-related terms in Orphic writings. Virgil, for instance, drew upon the bee’s connotation of resurrection in his depiction of Orpheus and Eurydice. Similarly, the Hittite Telepinu myth reveals an ancient tale where the bee, acting as a magical agent, awakens a deity. This symbolism of the bee’s mystical power transcended boundaries, resonating in Minoan Crete where serpent motifs encircled honeycombs, signifying the divine feminine. Golden bees and honeycombs found in ancient tombs further underpin the bee’s role in the destiny of the deceased. This intricate exploration unequivocally unveils that both the bee and its honey encapsulated religious themes, particularly those tied to death and resurrection in early Greek culture[2].

Ancient Greeks held deep reverence for bees, evident in their frequent appearance in mythology. Notable figures like Plato, the philosopher, had bees woven into their narratives; as an infant, a swarm of bees settled on Plato’s mouth. Pindar, an Ancient Greek poet, was said to have been nurtured by bees with honey instead of milk. Greek philosopher Pythagoras held the belief that the souls of the wise and ingenious transmigrated into the bodies of bees, further cementing the profound connection between these creatures and Greek thought. Bees in the eyes of ancient Romans held a special significance tied to their beliefs about the god Jupiter, akin to the Greek Zeus. Romans thought that bees nourished Jupiter during his infancy, linking these creatures to divine care.

Various traditions also associated bees with messages from the Divine or realms beyond our own, even the soul and heaven. Celts and Saxons considered bees as messengers that fluttered between worlds while in European folklore, it was believed that only bees and eagles could access heaven.

A dragon, with honeycomb-like skin, a mighty ruler of both air and water, stands as China’s paramount emblem[3]. Bees hold a significant symbol of life and fertility, particularly in Hindu beliefs. In the Rig Veda, a sacred text, the deity Vishnu created a miraculous spring from his footprint, yielding mead instead of water. Drinking from this spring meant becoming pregnant, as mead is derived from honey. This association between bees and fertility persists in Hindu culture due to this connection. Bees play a vital role as natural pollinators. When they gather nectar, the pollen they carry leads to plant fertilization, ultimately resulting in the birth of seeds and the sprouting of new life. Thus, the bee’s symbolism encompasses the essence of life itself.

Bees and honey hold notable places in The Bible. In its rich symbolism, bees are invoked to ‘drive away’ adversaries, while honey is symbolic of abundance and rewards. The Book of Judges recounts a curious tale of Samson and the honey found in a lion’s carcass. The significance of bees extends to the Quran, where they receive explicit guidance from God. Likewise, in Judaism, bees find mention in the Torah, and honey plays a role in several Jewish traditions, including Rosh Hashanah. Across these religious texts, bees and honey embody layers of meaning, from protection and divine direction to spiritual celebrations[4].

It was worth delving into the rich symbolism that bees have held throughout history. Just as our desktop organizers draw inspiration from the bees’ architectural precision, the symbolic significance of bees transcended generations. As mentioned above, from ancient civilizations to modern societies, bees have represented diligence, order, and unity. The hexagonal wonders of their hives reflect not only nature’s elegance but also the collective power of collaboration.

As we embrace the Arucona pen and paper-clip holders in our workspaces, we pay homage to the timeless symbolism of bees, reminding ourselves of the profound impact that meticulous organization and collective effort can have on our lives. Like bees collaborating to build a perfect home, the Arucona Paper-Clip Holder and Pen Holder collaborate to simplify your work environment. With this pair, you can neatly stow away not only your writing instruments but also those tiny essentials – paper clips – in a dedicated, unified space.

[1] Sparavigna, Amelia Carolina and Baldi, Mauro Maria, Flower of Life, Six-Fold Symmetry and Honeycomb Packing of Circles in the Mycenaean Geometry (March 29, 2016). Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=2756099 or http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.2756099

[2] Thomas, G. T. (1978). RELIGIOUS BACKGROUND FOR VIRGIL’S BEE SYMBOL IN THE “GEORGICS.” Vergilius (1959-), 24, 32–36. http://www.jstor.org/stable/41591791

[3] Saulius Gecas (2014) Between symbolism and metaphor, Journal of Architecture and Urbanism, 38:4, 283-292, DOI: 10.3846/20297955.2014.999432

[4] https://www.buzzaboutbees.net/what-do-bees-symbolize.html



From Arucona Pen and Paper-clip Holders to Symbolic Bees: A Harmony of Design and History

The Arucona Paper-Clip Holder, designed to complement the Arucona Pen Holder, beautifully mirrors the harmonious synergy found in nature’s honeycombs. Just as bees intricately weave their cells together to create a thriving hive, these two pieces come together to offer you a workspace that exudes both elegance and utility. This combination forms a seamless harmony, allowing you to effortlessly organize your essentials while adding a touch of nature’s brilliance to your surroundings.

Much like the diligent bees harmoniously navigating their bustling hive with precision, Woodsaka’s Arucona duo serves as a symbolic reminder of the vital role organization plays in enhancing productivity. Each meticulously crafted honeycomb cell, hewn from walnut wood, offers a dedicated sanctuary for your writing tools and paper-clips. It beckons you to embrace the industrious work ethic of bees, inspiring focus and efficiency in your daily endeavors.

As we delve into the exquisite design and functionality of Arucona’s honeycomb-shaped pen holder and paper-clip holder, it’s impossible not to be captivated by the artistry inspired by nature’s marvels. The hexagonal wonders of these wooden pen holders reflect not only the precision and diligence of bees but also the elegance of woodworking. Now, let’s delve deeper into the profound symbolism that bees have held throughout history, revealing a connection between these industrious insects and the very essence of human creativity and organization.

Across a multitude of ancient societies, the bee bore a distinct religious importance. The ancient Mycenaean tombs known for their monumental “tholos” structures resembling beehives, hold a special connection to the honey bee. Decorative artifacts within the tombs suggest a ritual purpose, perhaps to protect the deceased in the afterlife, similar to how ancient Egyptians used scarab seals and amulets. Intriguingly, circular designs like the Flower of Life and the honey bee icon, found on ritual plates, highlight the reverence for these sacred insects.

In Aegean cultures, the bee represented Potnia, the Goddess of Animals, with her priestesses named Melissas, meaning honey bees. This adoration extended to priestesses of Artemis and Demeter, also referred to as Bees. This enduring bond between humans and honey bees is further mirrored in the architectural design of the tholos tombs, embodying the honeycomb’s shape. This connection echoes a time-honored relationship dating back over 8,500 years to Anatolia, as unveiled by a 2015 study[1].

The bee held a unique religious significance for ancient societies that diverges from modern notions. In ancient Egypt, the bee served as a common hieroglyph representing the Pharaoh’s rule over Lower Egypt. This enigmatic emblem took on a deeper meaning as it symbolized the soul of the dead, specifically the Ka or vital force of an individual, in rituals like the ‘Opening of the Mouth.’ Remarkably, honey was a customary offering during these ceremonies of rebirth. Egyptian mythology even held that when the god Re shed tears, they transformed into bees upon touching the earth, bearing messages to humanity. This intricate web of beliefs showcases the profound role bees played in bridging the gap between the earthly and the divine.

This Egyptian belief might even be intertwined with later Orphic practices for the departed, as hinted by references to bee-related terms in Orphic writings. Virgil, for instance, drew upon the bee’s connotation of resurrection in his depiction of Orpheus and Eurydice. Similarly, the Hittite Telepinu myth reveals an ancient tale where the bee, acting as a magical agent, awakens a deity. This symbolism of the bee’s mystical power transcended boundaries, resonating in Minoan Crete where serpent motifs encircled honeycombs, signifying the divine feminine. Golden bees and honeycombs found in ancient tombs further underpin the bee’s role in the destiny of the deceased. This intricate exploration unequivocally unveils that both the bee and its honey encapsulated religious themes, particularly those tied to death and resurrection in early Greek culture[2].

Ancient Greeks held deep reverence for bees, evident in their frequent appearance in mythology. Notable figures like Plato, the philosopher, had bees woven into their narratives; as an infant, a swarm of bees settled on Plato’s mouth. Pindar, an Ancient Greek poet, was said to have been nurtured by bees with honey instead of milk. Greek philosopher Pythagoras held the belief that the souls of the wise and ingenious transmigrated into the bodies of bees, further cementing the profound connection between these creatures and Greek thought. Bees in the eyes of ancient Romans held a special significance tied to their beliefs about the god Jupiter, akin to the Greek Zeus. Romans thought that bees nourished Jupiter during his infancy, linking these creatures to divine care.

Various traditions also associated bees with messages from the Divine or realms beyond our own, even the soul and heaven. Celts and Saxons considered bees as messengers that fluttered between worlds while in European folklore, it was believed that only bees and eagles could access heaven.

A dragon, with honeycomb-like skin, a mighty ruler of both air and water, stands as China’s paramount emblem[3]. Bees hold a significant symbol of life and fertility, particularly in Hindu beliefs. In the Rig Veda, a sacred text, the deity Vishnu created a miraculous spring from his footprint, yielding mead instead of water. Drinking from this spring meant becoming pregnant, as mead is derived from honey. This association between bees and fertility persists in Hindu culture due to this connection. Bees play a vital role as natural pollinators. When they gather nectar, the pollen they carry leads to plant fertilization, ultimately resulting in the birth of seeds and the sprouting of new life. Thus, the bee’s symbolism encompasses the essence of life itself.

Bees and honey hold notable places in The Bible. In its rich symbolism, bees are invoked to ‘drive away’ adversaries, while honey is symbolic of abundance and rewards. The Book of Judges recounts a curious tale of Samson and the honey found in a lion’s carcass. The significance of bees extends to the Quran, where they receive explicit guidance from God. Likewise, in Judaism, bees find mention in the Torah, and honey plays a role in several Jewish traditions, including Rosh Hashanah. Across these religious texts, bees and honey embody layers of meaning, from protection and divine direction to spiritual celebrations[4].

It was worth delving into the rich symbolism that bees have held throughout history. Just as our desktop organizers draw inspiration from the bees’ architectural precision, the symbolic significance of bees transcended generations. As mentioned above, from ancient civilizations to modern societies, bees have represented diligence, order, and unity. The hexagonal wonders of their hives reflect not only nature’s elegance but also the collective power of collaboration.

As we embrace the Arucona pen and paper-clip holders in our workspaces, we pay homage to the timeless symbolism of bees, reminding ourselves of the profound impact that meticulous organization and collective effort can have on our lives. Like bees collaborating to build a perfect home, the Arucona Paper-Clip Holder and Pen Holder collaborate to simplify your work environment. With this pair, you can neatly stow away not only your writing instruments but also those tiny essentials – paper clips – in a dedicated, unified space.

[1] Sparavigna, Amelia Carolina and Baldi, Mauro Maria, Flower of Life, Six-Fold Symmetry and Honeycomb Packing of Circles in the Mycenaean Geometry (March 29, 2016). Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=2756099 or http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.2756099

[2] Thomas, G. T. (1978). RELIGIOUS BACKGROUND FOR VIRGIL’S BEE SYMBOL IN THE “GEORGICS.” Vergilius (1959-), 24, 32–36. http://www.jstor.org/stable/41591791

[3] Saulius Gecas (2014) Between symbolism and metaphor, Journal of Architecture and Urbanism, 38:4, 283-292, DOI: 10.3846/20297955.2014.999432

[4] https://www.buzzaboutbees.net/what-do-bees-symbolize.html



From Arucona Pen and Paper-clip Holders to Symbolic Bees: A Harmony of Design and History

The Arucona Paper-Clip Holder, designed to complement the Arucona Pen Holder, beautifully mirrors the harmonious synergy found in nature’s honeycombs. Just as bees intricately weave their cells together to create a thriving hive, these two pieces come together to offer you a workspace that exudes both elegance and utility. This combination forms a seamless harmony, allowing you to effortlessly organize your essentials while adding a touch of nature’s brilliance to your surroundings.

Much like the diligent bees harmoniously navigating their bustling hive with precision, Woodsaka’s Arucona duo serves as a symbolic reminder of the vital role organization plays in enhancing productivity. Each meticulously crafted honeycomb cell, hewn from walnut wood, offers a dedicated sanctuary for your writing tools and paper-clips. It beckons you to embrace the industrious work ethic of bees, inspiring focus and efficiency in your daily endeavors.

As we delve into the exquisite design and functionality of Arucona’s honeycomb-shaped pen holder and paper-clip holder, it’s impossible not to be captivated by the artistry inspired by nature’s marvels. The hexagonal wonders of these wooden pen holders reflect not only the precision and diligence of bees but also the elegance of woodworking. Now, let’s delve deeper into the profound symbolism that bees have held throughout history, revealing a connection between these industrious insects and the very essence of human creativity and organization.

Across a multitude of ancient societies, the bee bore a distinct religious importance. The ancient Mycenaean tombs known for their monumental “tholos” structures resembling beehives, hold a special connection to the honey bee. Decorative artifacts within the tombs suggest a ritual purpose, perhaps to protect the deceased in the afterlife, similar to how ancient Egyptians used scarab seals and amulets. Intriguingly, circular designs like the Flower of Life and the honey bee icon, found on ritual plates, highlight the reverence for these sacred insects.

In Aegean cultures, the bee represented Potnia, the Goddess of Animals, with her priestesses named Melissas, meaning honey bees. This adoration extended to priestesses of Artemis and Demeter, also referred to as Bees. This enduring bond between humans and honey bees is further mirrored in the architectural design of the tholos tombs, embodying the honeycomb’s shape. This connection echoes a time-honored relationship dating back over 8,500 years to Anatolia, as unveiled by a 2015 study[1].

The bee held a unique religious significance for ancient societies that diverges from modern notions. In ancient Egypt, the bee served as a common hieroglyph representing the Pharaoh’s rule over Lower Egypt. This enigmatic emblem took on a deeper meaning as it symbolized the soul of the dead, specifically the Ka or vital force of an individual, in rituals like the ‘Opening of the Mouth.’ Remarkably, honey was a customary offering during these ceremonies of rebirth. Egyptian mythology even held that when the god Re shed tears, they transformed into bees upon touching the earth, bearing messages to humanity. This intricate web of beliefs showcases the profound role bees played in bridging the gap between the earthly and the divine.

This Egyptian belief might even be intertwined with later Orphic practices for the departed, as hinted by references to bee-related terms in Orphic writings. Virgil, for instance, drew upon the bee’s connotation of resurrection in his depiction of Orpheus and Eurydice. Similarly, the Hittite Telepinu myth reveals an ancient tale where the bee, acting as a magical agent, awakens a deity. This symbolism of the bee’s mystical power transcended boundaries, resonating in Minoan Crete where serpent motifs encircled honeycombs, signifying the divine feminine. Golden bees and honeycombs found in ancient tombs further underpin the bee’s role in the destiny of the deceased. This intricate exploration unequivocally unveils that both the bee and its honey encapsulated religious themes, particularly those tied to death and resurrection in early Greek culture[2].

Ancient Greeks held deep reverence for bees, evident in their frequent appearance in mythology. Notable figures like Plato, the philosopher, had bees woven into their narratives; as an infant, a swarm of bees settled on Plato’s mouth. Pindar, an Ancient Greek poet, was said to have been nurtured by bees with honey instead of milk. Greek philosopher Pythagoras held the belief that the souls of the wise and ingenious transmigrated into the bodies of bees, further cementing the profound connection between these creatures and Greek thought. Bees in the eyes of ancient Romans held a special significance tied to their beliefs about the god Jupiter, akin to the Greek Zeus. Romans thought that bees nourished Jupiter during his infancy, linking these creatures to divine care.

Various traditions also associated bees with messages from the Divine or realms beyond our own, even the soul and heaven. Celts and Saxons considered bees as messengers that fluttered between worlds while in European folklore, it was believed that only bees and eagles could access heaven.

A dragon, with honeycomb-like skin, a mighty ruler of both air and water, stands as China’s paramount emblem[3]. Bees hold a significant symbol of life and fertility, particularly in Hindu beliefs. In the Rig Veda, a sacred text, the deity Vishnu created a miraculous spring from his footprint, yielding mead instead of water. Drinking from this spring meant becoming pregnant, as mead is derived from honey. This association between bees and fertility persists in Hindu culture due to this connection. Bees play a vital role as natural pollinators. When they gather nectar, the pollen they carry leads to plant fertilization, ultimately resulting in the birth of seeds and the sprouting of new life. Thus, the bee’s symbolism encompasses the essence of life itself.

Bees and honey hold notable places in The Bible. In its rich symbolism, bees are invoked to ‘drive away’ adversaries, while honey is symbolic of abundance and rewards. The Book of Judges recounts a curious tale of Samson and the honey found in a lion’s carcass. The significance of bees extends to the Quran, where they receive explicit guidance from God. Likewise, in Judaism, bees find mention in the Torah, and honey plays a role in several Jewish traditions, including Rosh Hashanah. Across these religious texts, bees and honey embody layers of meaning, from protection and divine direction to spiritual celebrations[4].

It was worth delving into the rich symbolism that bees have held throughout history. Just as our desktop organizers draw inspiration from the bees’ architectural precision, the symbolic significance of bees transcended generations. As mentioned above, from ancient civilizations to modern societies, bees have represented diligence, order, and unity. The hexagonal wonders of their hives reflect not only nature’s elegance but also the collective power of collaboration.

As we embrace the Arucona pen and paper-clip holders in our workspaces, we pay homage to the timeless symbolism of bees, reminding ourselves of the profound impact that meticulous organization and collective effort can have on our lives. Like bees collaborating to build a perfect home, the Arucona Paper-Clip Holder and Pen Holder collaborate to simplify your work environment. With this pair, you can neatly stow away not only your writing instruments but also those tiny essentials – paper clips – in a dedicated, unified space.

[1] Sparavigna, Amelia Carolina and Baldi, Mauro Maria, Flower of Life, Six-Fold Symmetry and Honeycomb Packing of Circles in the Mycenaean Geometry (March 29, 2016). Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=2756099 or http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.2756099

[2] Thomas, G. T. (1978). RELIGIOUS BACKGROUND FOR VIRGIL’S BEE SYMBOL IN THE “GEORGICS.” Vergilius (1959-), 24, 32–36. http://www.jstor.org/stable/41591791

[3] Saulius Gecas (2014) Between symbolism and metaphor, Journal of Architecture and Urbanism, 38:4, 283-292, DOI: 10.3846/20297955.2014.999432

[4] https://www.buzzaboutbees.net/what-do-bees-symbolize.html



From Arucona Pen and Paper-clip Holders to Symbolic Bees: A Harmony of Design and History

The Arucona Paper-Clip Holder, designed to complement the Arucona Pen Holder, beautifully mirrors the harmonious synergy found in nature’s honeycombs. Just as bees intricately weave their cells together to create a thriving hive, these two pieces come together to offer you a workspace that exudes both elegance and utility. This combination forms a seamless harmony, allowing you to effortlessly organize your essentials while adding a touch of nature’s brilliance to your surroundings.

Much like the diligent bees harmoniously navigating their bustling hive with precision, Woodsaka’s Arucona duo serves as a symbolic reminder of the vital role organization plays in enhancing productivity. Each meticulously crafted honeycomb cell, hewn from walnut wood, offers a dedicated sanctuary for your writing tools and paper-clips. It beckons you to embrace the industrious work ethic of bees, inspiring focus and efficiency in your daily endeavors.

As we delve into the exquisite design and functionality of Arucona’s honeycomb-shaped pen holder and paper-clip holder, it’s impossible not to be captivated by the artistry inspired by nature’s marvels. The hexagonal wonders of these wooden pen holders reflect not only the precision and diligence of bees but also the elegance of woodworking. Now, let’s delve deeper into the profound symbolism that bees have held throughout history, revealing a connection between these industrious insects and the very essence of human creativity and organization.

Across a multitude of ancient societies, the bee bore a distinct religious importance. The ancient Mycenaean tombs known for their monumental “tholos” structures resembling beehives, hold a special connection to the honey bee. Decorative artifacts within the tombs suggest a ritual purpose, perhaps to protect the deceased in the afterlife, similar to how ancient Egyptians used scarab seals and amulets. Intriguingly, circular designs like the Flower of Life and the honey bee icon, found on ritual plates, highlight the reverence for these sacred insects.

In Aegean cultures, the bee represented Potnia, the Goddess of Animals, with her priestesses named Melissas, meaning honey bees. This adoration extended to priestesses of Artemis and Demeter, also referred to as Bees. This enduring bond between humans and honey bees is further mirrored in the architectural design of the tholos tombs, embodying the honeycomb’s shape. This connection echoes a time-honored relationship dating back over 8,500 years to Anatolia, as unveiled by a 2015 study[1].

The bee held a unique religious significance for ancient societies that diverges from modern notions. In ancient Egypt, the bee served as a common hieroglyph representing the Pharaoh’s rule over Lower Egypt. This enigmatic emblem took on a deeper meaning as it symbolized the soul of the dead, specifically the Ka or vital force of an individual, in rituals like the ‘Opening of the Mouth.’ Remarkably, honey was a customary offering during these ceremonies of rebirth. Egyptian mythology even held that when the god Re shed tears, they transformed into bees upon touching the earth, bearing messages to humanity. This intricate web of beliefs showcases the profound role bees played in bridging the gap between the earthly and the divine.

This Egyptian belief might even be intertwined with later Orphic practices for the departed, as hinted by references to bee-related terms in Orphic writings. Virgil, for instance, drew upon the bee’s connotation of resurrection in his depiction of Orpheus and Eurydice. Similarly, the Hittite Telepinu myth reveals an ancient tale where the bee, acting as a magical agent, awakens a deity. This symbolism of the bee’s mystical power transcended boundaries, resonating in Minoan Crete where serpent motifs encircled honeycombs, signifying the divine feminine. Golden bees and honeycombs found in ancient tombs further underpin the bee’s role in the destiny of the deceased. This intricate exploration unequivocally unveils that both the bee and its honey encapsulated religious themes, particularly those tied to death and resurrection in early Greek culture[2].

Ancient Greeks held deep reverence for bees, evident in their frequent appearance in mythology. Notable figures like Plato, the philosopher, had bees woven into their narratives; as an infant, a swarm of bees settled on Plato’s mouth. Pindar, an Ancient Greek poet, was said to have been nurtured by bees with honey instead of milk. Greek philosopher Pythagoras held the belief that the souls of the wise and ingenious transmigrated into the bodies of bees, further cementing the profound connection between these creatures and Greek thought. Bees in the eyes of ancient Romans held a special significance tied to their beliefs about the god Jupiter, akin to the Greek Zeus. Romans thought that bees nourished Jupiter during his infancy, linking these creatures to divine care.

Various traditions also associated bees with messages from the Divine or realms beyond our own, even the soul and heaven. Celts and Saxons considered bees as messengers that fluttered between worlds while in European folklore, it was believed that only bees and eagles could access heaven.

A dragon, with honeycomb-like skin, a mighty ruler of both air and water, stands as China’s paramount emblem[3]. Bees hold a significant symbol of life and fertility, particularly in Hindu beliefs. In the Rig Veda, a sacred text, the deity Vishnu created a miraculous spring from his footprint, yielding mead instead of water. Drinking from this spring meant becoming pregnant, as mead is derived from honey. This association between bees and fertility persists in Hindu culture due to this connection. Bees play a vital role as natural pollinators. When they gather nectar, the pollen they carry leads to plant fertilization, ultimately resulting in the birth of seeds and the sprouting of new life. Thus, the bee’s symbolism encompasses the essence of life itself.

Bees and honey hold notable places in The Bible. In its rich symbolism, bees are invoked to ‘drive away’ adversaries, while honey is symbolic of abundance and rewards. The Book of Judges recounts a curious tale of Samson and the honey found in a lion’s carcass. The significance of bees extends to the Quran, where they receive explicit guidance from God. Likewise, in Judaism, bees find mention in the Torah, and honey plays a role in several Jewish traditions, including Rosh Hashanah. Across these religious texts, bees and honey embody layers of meaning, from protection and divine direction to spiritual celebrations[4].

It was worth delving into the rich symbolism that bees have held throughout history. Just as our desktop organizers draw inspiration from the bees’ architectural precision, the symbolic significance of bees transcended generations. As mentioned above, from ancient civilizations to modern societies, bees have represented diligence, order, and unity. The hexagonal wonders of their hives reflect not only nature’s elegance but also the collective power of collaboration.

As we embrace the Arucona pen and paper-clip holders in our workspaces, we pay homage to the timeless symbolism of bees, reminding ourselves of the profound impact that meticulous organization and collective effort can have on our lives. Like bees collaborating to build a perfect home, the Arucona Paper-Clip Holder and Pen Holder collaborate to simplify your work environment. With this pair, you can neatly stow away not only your writing instruments but also those tiny essentials – paper clips – in a dedicated, unified space.

[1] Sparavigna, Amelia Carolina and Baldi, Mauro Maria, Flower of Life, Six-Fold Symmetry and Honeycomb Packing of Circles in the Mycenaean Geometry (March 29, 2016). Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=2756099 or http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.2756099

[2] Thomas, G. T. (1978). RELIGIOUS BACKGROUND FOR VIRGIL’S BEE SYMBOL IN THE “GEORGICS.” Vergilius (1959-), 24, 32–36. http://www.jstor.org/stable/41591791

[3] Saulius Gecas (2014) Between symbolism and metaphor, Journal of Architecture and Urbanism, 38:4, 283-292, DOI: 10.3846/20297955.2014.999432

[4] https://www.buzzaboutbees.net/what-do-bees-symbolize.html



From Arucona Pen and Paper-clip Holders to Symbolic Bees: A Harmony of Design and History

The Arucona Paper-Clip Holder, designed to complement the Arucona Pen Holder, beautifully mirrors the harmonious synergy found in nature’s honeycombs. Just as bees intricately weave their cells together to create a thriving hive, these two pieces come together to offer you a workspace that exudes both elegance and utility. This combination forms a seamless harmony, allowing you to effortlessly organize your essentials while adding a touch of nature’s brilliance to your surroundings.

Much like the diligent bees harmoniously navigating their bustling hive with precision, Woodsaka’s Arucona duo serves as a symbolic reminder of the vital role organization plays in enhancing productivity. Each meticulously crafted honeycomb cell, hewn from walnut wood, offers a dedicated sanctuary for your writing tools and paper-clips. It beckons you to embrace the industrious work ethic of bees, inspiring focus and efficiency in your daily endeavors.

As we delve into the exquisite design and functionality of Arucona’s honeycomb-shaped pen holder and paper-clip holder, it’s impossible not to be captivated by the artistry inspired by nature’s marvels. The hexagonal wonders of these wooden pen holders reflect not only the precision and diligence of bees but also the elegance of woodworking. Now, let’s delve deeper into the profound symbolism that bees have held throughout history, revealing a connection between these industrious insects and the very essence of human creativity and organization.

Across a multitude of ancient societies, the bee bore a distinct religious importance. The ancient Mycenaean tombs known for their monumental “tholos” structures resembling beehives, hold a special connection to the honey bee. Decorative artifacts within the tombs suggest a ritual purpose, perhaps to protect the deceased in the afterlife, similar to how ancient Egyptians used scarab seals and amulets. Intriguingly, circular designs like the Flower of Life and the honey bee icon, found on ritual plates, highlight the reverence for these sacred insects.

In Aegean cultures, the bee represented Potnia, the Goddess of Animals, with her priestesses named Melissas, meaning honey bees. This adoration extended to priestesses of Artemis and Demeter, also referred to as Bees. This enduring bond between humans and honey bees is further mirrored in the architectural design of the tholos tombs, embodying the honeycomb’s shape. This connection echoes a time-honored relationship dating back over 8,500 years to Anatolia, as unveiled by a 2015 study[1].

The bee held a unique religious significance for ancient societies that diverges from modern notions. In ancient Egypt, the bee served as a common hieroglyph representing the Pharaoh’s rule over Lower Egypt. This enigmatic emblem took on a deeper meaning as it symbolized the soul of the dead, specifically the Ka or vital force of an individual, in rituals like the ‘Opening of the Mouth.’ Remarkably, honey was a customary offering during these ceremonies of rebirth. Egyptian mythology even held that when the god Re shed tears, they transformed into bees upon touching the earth, bearing messages to humanity. This intricate web of beliefs showcases the profound role bees played in bridging the gap between the earthly and the divine.

This Egyptian belief might even be intertwined with later Orphic practices for the departed, as hinted by references to bee-related terms in Orphic writings. Virgil, for instance, drew upon the bee’s connotation of resurrection in his depiction of Orpheus and Eurydice. Similarly, the Hittite Telepinu myth reveals an ancient tale where the bee, acting as a magical agent, awakens a deity. This symbolism of the bee’s mystical power transcended boundaries, resonating in Minoan Crete where serpent motifs encircled honeycombs, signifying the divine feminine. Golden bees and honeycombs found in ancient tombs further underpin the bee’s role in the destiny of the deceased. This intricate exploration unequivocally unveils that both the bee and its honey encapsulated religious themes, particularly those tied to death and resurrection in early Greek culture[2].

Ancient Greeks held deep reverence for bees, evident in their frequent appearance in mythology. Notable figures like Plato, the philosopher, had bees woven into their narratives; as an infant, a swarm of bees settled on Plato’s mouth. Pindar, an Ancient Greek poet, was said to have been nurtured by bees with honey instead of milk. Greek philosopher Pythagoras held the belief that the souls of the wise and ingenious transmigrated into the bodies of bees, further cementing the profound connection between these creatures and Greek thought. Bees in the eyes of ancient Romans held a special significance tied to their beliefs about the god Jupiter, akin to the Greek Zeus. Romans thought that bees nourished Jupiter during his infancy, linking these creatures to divine care.

Various traditions also associated bees with messages from the Divine or realms beyond our own, even the soul and heaven. Celts and Saxons considered bees as messengers that fluttered between worlds while in European folklore, it was believed that only bees and eagles could access heaven.

A dragon, with honeycomb-like skin, a mighty ruler of both air and water, stands as China’s paramount emblem[3]. Bees hold a significant symbol of life and fertility, particularly in Hindu beliefs. In the Rig Veda, a sacred text, the deity Vishnu created a miraculous spring from his footprint, yielding mead instead of water. Drinking from this spring meant becoming pregnant, as mead is derived from honey. This association between bees and fertility persists in Hindu culture due to this connection. Bees play a vital role as natural pollinators. When they gather nectar, the pollen they carry leads to plant fertilization, ultimately resulting in the birth of seeds and the sprouting of new life. Thus, the bee’s symbolism encompasses the essence of life itself.

Bees and honey hold notable places in The Bible. In its rich symbolism, bees are invoked to ‘drive away’ adversaries, while honey is symbolic of abundance and rewards. The Book of Judges recounts a curious tale of Samson and the honey found in a lion’s carcass. The significance of bees extends to the Quran, where they receive explicit guidance from God. Likewise, in Judaism, bees find mention in the Torah, and honey plays a role in several Jewish traditions, including Rosh Hashanah. Across these religious texts, bees and honey embody layers of meaning, from protection and divine direction to spiritual celebrations[4].

It was worth delving into the rich symbolism that bees have held throughout history. Just as our desktop organizers draw inspiration from the bees’ architectural precision, the symbolic significance of bees transcended generations. As mentioned above, from ancient civilizations to modern societies, bees have represented diligence, order, and unity. The hexagonal wonders of their hives reflect not only nature’s elegance but also the collective power of collaboration.

As we embrace the Arucona pen and paper-clip holders in our workspaces, we pay homage to the timeless symbolism of bees, reminding ourselves of the profound impact that meticulous organization and collective effort can have on our lives. Like bees collaborating to build a perfect home, the Arucona Paper-Clip Holder and Pen Holder collaborate to simplify your work environment. With this pair, you can neatly stow away not only your writing instruments but also those tiny essentials – paper clips – in a dedicated, unified space.

[1] Sparavigna, Amelia Carolina and Baldi, Mauro Maria, Flower of Life, Six-Fold Symmetry and Honeycomb Packing of Circles in the Mycenaean Geometry (March 29, 2016). Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=2756099 or http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.2756099

[2] Thomas, G. T. (1978). RELIGIOUS BACKGROUND FOR VIRGIL’S BEE SYMBOL IN THE “GEORGICS.” Vergilius (1959-), 24, 32–36. http://www.jstor.org/stable/41591791

[3] Saulius Gecas (2014) Between symbolism and metaphor, Journal of Architecture and Urbanism, 38:4, 283-292, DOI: 10.3846/20297955.2014.999432

[4] https://www.buzzaboutbees.net/what-do-bees-symbolize.html



From Arucona Pen and Paper-clip Holders to Symbolic Bees: A Harmony of Design and History

The Arucona Paper-Clip Holder, designed to complement the Arucona Pen Holder, beautifully mirrors the harmonious synergy found in nature’s honeycombs. Just as bees intricately weave their cells together to create a thriving hive, these two pieces come together to offer you a workspace that exudes both elegance and utility. This combination forms a seamless harmony, allowing you to effortlessly organize your essentials while adding a touch of nature’s brilliance to your surroundings.

Much like the diligent bees harmoniously navigating their bustling hive with precision, Woodsaka’s Arucona duo serves as a symbolic reminder of the vital role organization plays in enhancing productivity. Each meticulously crafted honeycomb cell, hewn from walnut wood, offers a dedicated sanctuary for your writing tools and paper-clips. It beckons you to embrace the industrious work ethic of bees, inspiring focus and efficiency in your daily endeavors.

As we delve into the exquisite design and functionality of Arucona’s honeycomb-shaped pen holder and paper-clip holder, it’s impossible not to be captivated by the artistry inspired by nature’s marvels. The hexagonal wonders of these wooden pen holders reflect not only the precision and diligence of bees but also the elegance of woodworking. Now, let’s delve deeper into the profound symbolism that bees have held throughout history, revealing a connection between these industrious insects and the very essence of human creativity and organization.

Across a multitude of ancient societies, the bee bore a distinct religious importance. The ancient Mycenaean tombs known for their monumental “tholos” structures resembling beehives, hold a special connection to the honey bee. Decorative artifacts within the tombs suggest a ritual purpose, perhaps to protect the deceased in the afterlife, similar to how ancient Egyptians used scarab seals and amulets. Intriguingly, circular designs like the Flower of Life and the honey bee icon, found on ritual plates, highlight the reverence for these sacred insects.

In Aegean cultures, the bee represented Potnia, the Goddess of Animals, with her priestesses named Melissas, meaning honey bees. This adoration extended to priestesses of Artemis and Demeter, also referred to as Bees. This enduring bond between humans and honey bees is further mirrored in the architectural design of the tholos tombs, embodying the honeycomb’s shape. This connection echoes a time-honored relationship dating back over 8,500 years to Anatolia, as unveiled by a 2015 study[1].

The bee held a unique religious significance for ancient societies that diverges from modern notions. In ancient Egypt, the bee served as a common hieroglyph representing the Pharaoh’s rule over Lower Egypt. This enigmatic emblem took on a deeper meaning as it symbolized the soul of the dead, specifically the Ka or vital force of an individual, in rituals like the ‘Opening of the Mouth.’ Remarkably, honey was a customary offering during these ceremonies of rebirth. Egyptian mythology even held that when the god Re shed tears, they transformed into bees upon touching the earth, bearing messages to humanity. This intricate web of beliefs showcases the profound role bees played in bridging the gap between the earthly and the divine.

This Egyptian belief might even be intertwined with later Orphic practices for the departed, as hinted by references to bee-related terms in Orphic writings. Virgil, for instance, drew upon the bee’s connotation of resurrection in his depiction of Orpheus and Eurydice. Similarly, the Hittite Telepinu myth reveals an ancient tale where the bee, acting as a magical agent, awakens a deity. This symbolism of the bee’s mystical power transcended boundaries, resonating in Minoan Crete where serpent motifs encircled honeycombs, signifying the divine feminine. Golden bees and honeycombs found in ancient tombs further underpin the bee’s role in the destiny of the deceased. This intricate exploration unequivocally unveils that both the bee and its honey encapsulated religious themes, particularly those tied to death and resurrection in early Greek culture[2].

Ancient Greeks held deep reverence for bees, evident in their frequent appearance in mythology. Notable figures like Plato, the philosopher, had bees woven into their narratives; as an infant, a swarm of bees settled on Plato’s mouth. Pindar, an Ancient Greek poet, was said to have been nurtured by bees with honey instead of milk. Greek philosopher Pythagoras held the belief that the souls of the wise and ingenious transmigrated into the bodies of bees, further cementing the profound connection between these creatures and Greek thought. Bees in the eyes of ancient Romans held a special significance tied to their beliefs about the god Jupiter, akin to the Greek Zeus. Romans thought that bees nourished Jupiter during his infancy, linking these creatures to divine care.

Various traditions also associated bees with messages from the Divine or realms beyond our own, even the soul and heaven. Celts and Saxons considered bees as messengers that fluttered between worlds while in European folklore, it was believed that only bees and eagles could access heaven.

A dragon, with honeycomb-like skin, a mighty ruler of both air and water, stands as China’s paramount emblem[3]. Bees hold a significant symbol of life and fertility, particularly in Hindu beliefs. In the Rig Veda, a sacred text, the deity Vishnu created a miraculous spring from his footprint, yielding mead instead of water. Drinking from this spring meant becoming pregnant, as mead is derived from honey. This association between bees and fertility persists in Hindu culture due to this connection. Bees play a vital role as natural pollinators. When they gather nectar, the pollen they carry leads to plant fertilization, ultimately resulting in the birth of seeds and the sprouting of new life. Thus, the bee’s symbolism encompasses the essence of life itself.

Bees and honey hold notable places in The Bible. In its rich symbolism, bees are invoked to ‘drive away’ adversaries, while honey is symbolic of abundance and rewards. The Book of Judges recounts a curious tale of Samson and the honey found in a lion’s carcass. The significance of bees extends to the Quran, where they receive explicit guidance from God. Likewise, in Judaism, bees find mention in the Torah, and honey plays a role in several Jewish traditions, including Rosh Hashanah. Across these religious texts, bees and honey embody layers of meaning, from protection and divine direction to spiritual celebrations[4].

It was worth delving into the rich symbolism that bees have held throughout history. Just as our desktop organizers draw inspiration from the bees’ architectural precision, the symbolic significance of bees transcended generations. As mentioned above, from ancient civilizations to modern societies, bees have represented diligence, order, and unity. The hexagonal wonders of their hives reflect not only nature’s elegance but also the collective power of collaboration.

As we embrace the Arucona pen and paper-clip holders in our workspaces, we pay homage to the timeless symbolism of bees, reminding ourselves of the profound impact that meticulous organization and collective effort can have on our lives. Like bees collaborating to build a perfect home, the Arucona Paper-Clip Holder and Pen Holder collaborate to simplify your work environment. With this pair, you can neatly stow away not only your writing instruments but also those tiny essentials – paper clips – in a dedicated, unified space.

[1] Sparavigna, Amelia Carolina and Baldi, Mauro Maria, Flower of Life, Six-Fold Symmetry and Honeycomb Packing of Circles in the Mycenaean Geometry (March 29, 2016). Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=2756099 or http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.2756099

[2] Thomas, G. T. (1978). RELIGIOUS BACKGROUND FOR VIRGIL’S BEE SYMBOL IN THE “GEORGICS.” Vergilius (1959-), 24, 32–36. http://www.jstor.org/stable/41591791

[3] Saulius Gecas (2014) Between symbolism and metaphor, Journal of Architecture and Urbanism, 38:4, 283-292, DOI: 10.3846/20297955.2014.999432

[4] https://www.buzzaboutbees.net/what-do-bees-symbolize.html
