Emotionally Durable Design I – Durability

Establishing an inspiring work environment, whether at home or in an office, is crucial for concentration, creativity, and overall well-being. Drab colors, insufficient lighting, and uninspiring furniture can impede productivity and render work monotonous. While you may not have control over the office’s color scheme, personalizing your workstation can make a significant difference. Introducing functional and visually stimulating elements to your desk promotes efficiency and sparks creativity. Infusing natural colors, elegance, and functionality through office accessories not only engages your creative side but also imparts a sense of ownership over your workspace. Moreover, how you enhance your working area communicates aspects of your personality and priorities to colleagues and customers, making it a meaningful aspect of your professional identity.

That is why choosing the right office supplies is crucial, as it sets the tone for your workplace. The first impression is often based on the appearance of your office and your desk, making it an essential component of the workspace. In many offices, aesthetics is prioritized over quality when selecting office accessories, neglecting factors like material and functionality, or vice versa. To ensure a lasting and positive impression, consider the quality, functionality, and materials of your desktop accessories. From monitor stands to pencil holders, each piece should complement the overall office décor and convey a sense of luxury. Wood is one of the best materials to convey that sense. Wood options like oak, maple, cherry, or walnut, finished with minimalist modern touches, provide durable and high-quality choices for offices that stand the test of time.

Furthermore, when outfitting your office with accessories, the emphasis on durability remains paramount. Opting for wooden accessories ensures they can endure the demands of daily use, providing sturdy and reliable support for your workspace items.

Woodsaka office supplies, crafted from solid wood, offer a range of options for your desk. These desktop accessories, including pencil holders, organizers, and laptop stands, offer sustainable and stylish solutions, showcasing the enduring qualities of wood. Resilient and low-maintenance, these products maintain their solid and reliable nature over time. Woodsaka office accessories, made from hardwoods like chestnut, cherry, padouk, maple, and walnut, embody strength and durability. Woodsaka uses these materials to produce for home and work offices as they are known for their timeless and sturdy construction. These desktop products even ensure that your accessories last for generations, offering exceptional value for your investment. The inherent strength of hardwood accessories, from pencil holders to monitor stands, stands out against alternatives, maintaining their form and function over the long term. Furthermore, in the contract-grade realm, wooden office accessories, meeting high-quality standards, provide reliable, long-lasting solutions, minimizing the need for frequent replacements and offering cost savings over time.

Wood is durable. We know this. However, there is a need to look at the word “durability” closer. While physical durability is the first aspect that comes to mind, durability encompasses both physical and emotional facets. Concerning physical durability, it relates to the strength and quality of products, ensuring their resilience and well-constructed nature for enduring use. Durability is characterized as the representation of a product’s lifespan, indicating the duration during which the product will remain operational and withstand normal usage before a defect is considered irreparable. For instance, a well-crafted wooden office accessory with superior physical durability is constructed to withstand wear and tear, ensuring a lasting lifespan.

Conversely, emotional durability transcends material specifications and manufacturing quality, encompassing the enduring impact of a product on the consumer’s emotions. An office organizer with emotional durability continues to be treasured and utilized due to the positive and robust associations it evokes for the user. Conversely, poorly constructed items designed to quickly become obsolete lack emotional durability, failing to establish a lasting connection with the consumer. Consequently, the intersection of physical and emotional durability is pivotal in creating products that endure both the test of time and personal attachment.

Creating office accessories with physical durability is a fundamental aspect, but it’s not the sole criterion for crafting a truly valuable product. At Woodsaka, we firmly believe that the design process should extend beyond mere physical strength, taking into account the emotional longevity of the product.

This topic is extensive and warrants a deeper exploration. In our next blog, we’ll delve more profoundly into the concept of emotional durability.


Bhatta, S. R., Tiippana, K., Vahtikari, K., Hughes, M., & Kyttä, M. (2017). Sensory and Emotional Perception of Wooden Surfaces through Fingertip Touch. Frontiers in Psychology, 8, 367. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2017.00367

Burcikova, M. (2021). Mundane Durability: The Everyday Practice of Allowing Clothes to Last. In Proceedings of the 4th PLATE 2021 Virtual Conference, Limerick, Ireland, May 26-28, 2021. Retrieved from https://ualresearchonline.arts.ac.uk/id/eprint/18591/1/Burcikova_Mundane%20durability%202021.pdf

Cupchik, G. C. (1999). Emotion and industrial design: Reconciling meanings and feelings. In C. J. Overbeeke & P. Hekkert (Eds.), Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Design and Emotion (pp. 75-82). Delft: Delft University of Technology.

Eren, G. H. (2022). Design for emotional durability: The case of household light design. Sanat&Tasarım Dergisi, 12(1), 283-296.

Fujisaki, W., Tokita, M., & Kariya, K. (2015). Perception of the material properties of wood based on vision, audition, and touch. Vision Research, 109, 185–200. doi: 10.1016/j.visres.2014.11.020

Jensen, M. B. (2021). Emotional Durability– Strategies and Future Integration – A Case Study. PhD dissertation.

Jonsson, J. (2021). Reforming Consumption Habits Through Product Design: Design for Sustainable Development through prolonging product lifetime.

Jordan, P. W. (2000). Designing pleasurable products: An introduction to the new human factors. London: Taylor & Francis.

Mugge, R. (2008). Emotional bonding with products: Investigating product attachment from a design perspective. Saarbrucken: VDM Verlag.

Norman, D. A. (2004). Emotional design: Why we love (or hate) everyday things. New York: Basic Books.

Walker, S. (1995). Sustainable by design: Explorations in theory and practice. London: Earthscan.

WRAP. (2015). Clothing durability report. Banbury: Anthesis & Waste and Resources Action Programme. Retrieved from https://wrap.org.uk/

Yazirlıoğlu, L. (2021). Sustainable design considerations for emotional durability and product longevity through product care activities by repair enthusiasts. Master’s thesis.


Conception émotionnellement durable I – Durabilité

Établir un environnement de travail inspirant, que ce soit à la maison ou au bureau, est crucial pour la concentration, la créativité et le bien-être général. Des couleurs ternes, un éclairage insuffisant et un mobilier sans intérêt peuvent nuire à la productivité et rendre le travail monotone. Même si vous n’avez peut-être aucun contrôle sur la palette de couleurs du bureau, la personnalisation de votre poste de travail peut faire une différence significative. L’introduction d’éléments fonctionnels et visuellement stimulants sur votre bureau favorise l’efficacité et stimule la créativité. Insuffler des couleurs naturelles, de l’élégance et de la fonctionnalité à travers des accessoires de bureau engage non seulement votre côté créatif, mais donne également un sentiment de propriété sur votre espace de travail. De plus, la manière dont vous améliorez votre espace de travail communique des aspects de votre personnalité et de vos priorités à vos collègues et clients, ce qui en fait un aspect significatif de votre identité professionnelle.

C’est pourquoi il est crucial de choisir les bonnes fournitures de bureau, car elles donnent le ton à votre lieu de travail. La première impression repose souvent sur l’apparence de votre bureau et de votre bureau, ce qui en fait un élément essentiel de l’espace de travail. Dans de nombreux bureaux, l’esthétique prime sur la qualité lors de la sélection des accessoires de bureau, en négligeant des facteurs tels que les matériaux et la fonctionnalité, ou vice versa. Pour garantir une impression durable et positive, tenez compte de la qualité, de la fonctionnalité et des matériaux de vos accessoires de bureau. Des supports pour écran aux porte-crayons, chaque pièce doit compléter le décor global du bureau et transmettre une impression de luxe. Le bois est l’un des meilleurs matériaux pour transmettre ce sentiment. Les options de bois comme le chêne, l’érable, le cerisier ou le noyer, finies avec des touches modernes et minimalistes, offrent des choix durables et de haute qualité pour les bureaux qui résistent à l’épreuve du temps.

De plus, lorsque vous équipez votre bureau d’accessoires, l’accent est mis sur la durabilité. Opter pour des accessoires en bois garantit qu’ils peuvent résister aux exigences d’une utilisation quotidienne, offrant un support solide et fiable pour les éléments de votre espace de travail.

Les fournitures de bureau Woodsaka, fabriquées à partir de bois massif, offrent une gamme d’options pour votre bureau. Ces accessoires de bureau, notamment des porte-crayons, des organiseurs et des supports pour ordinateurs portables, offrent des solutions durables et élégantes, mettant en valeur les qualités durables du bois. Résilients et nécessitant peu d’entretien, ces produits conservent leur solidité et leur fiabilité dans le temps. Les accessoires de bureau Woodsaka, fabriqués à partir de bois durs comme le châtaignier, le cerisier, le padouk, l’érable et le noyer, incarnent résistance et durabilité. Woodsaka utilise ces matériaux pour produire des produits destinés à la maison et aux bureaux de travail, car ils sont connus pour leur construction intemporelle et robuste. Ces produits de bureau garantissent même que vos accessoires durent des générations, offrant une valeur exceptionnelle pour votre investissement. La résistance inhérente des accessoires en bois dur, des porte-crayons aux supports d’écran, se démarque des alternatives, conservant leur forme et leur fonction à long terme. De plus, dans le domaine contractuel, les accessoires de bureau en bois, répondant à des normes de qualité élevées, offrent des solutions fiables et durables, minimisant le besoin de remplacements fréquents et offrant des économies de coûts au fil du temps.

Le bois est durable. Nous le savons. Cependant, il est nécessaire d’examiner de plus près le mot « durabilité ». Si la durabilité physique est le premier aspect qui vient à l’esprit, la durabilité englobe à la fois des facettes physiques et émotionnelles. Concernant la durabilité physique, elle concerne la résistance et la qualité des produits, garantissant leur résilience et leur nature bien construite pour une utilisation durable. La durabilité est caractérisée comme la représentation de la durée de vie d’un produit, indiquant la durée pendant laquelle le produit restera opérationnel et résistera à une utilisation normale avant qu’un défaut ne soit considéré comme irréparable. Par exemple, un accessoire de bureau en bois bien conçu, doté d’une durabilité physique supérieure, est construit pour résister à l’usure, garantissant ainsi une durée de vie durable.

À l’inverse, la durabilité émotionnelle transcende les spécifications des matériaux et la qualité de fabrication, englobant l’impact durable d’un produit sur les émotions du consommateur. Un organiseur de bureau doté d’une durabilité émotionnelle continue d’être apprécié et utilisé en raison des associations positives et solides qu’il évoque pour l’utilisateur. À l’inverse, les articles mal construits, conçus pour devenir rapidement obsolètes, manquent de durabilité émotionnelle et ne parviennent pas à établir un lien durable avec le consommateur. Par conséquent, l’intersection de la durabilité physique et émotionnelle est essentielle dans la création de produits qui résistent à la fois à l’épreuve du temps et à l’attachement personnel.

Créer des accessoires de bureau dotés d’une durabilité physique est un aspect fondamental, mais ce n’est pas le seul critère pour fabriquer un produit vraiment précieux. Chez Woodsaka, nous croyons fermement que le processus de conception doit aller au-delà de la simple force physique, en tenant compte de la longévité émotionnelle du produit.

Ce sujet est vaste et mérite une exploration plus approfondie. Dans notre prochain blog, nous approfondirons le concept de durabilité émotionnelle.


Bhatta, S. R., Tiippana, K., Vahtikari, K., Hughes, M., & Kyttä, M. (2017). Sensory and Emotional Perception of Wooden Surfaces through Fingertip Touch. Frontiers in Psychology, 8, 367. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2017.00367

Burcikova, M. (2021). Mundane Durability: The Everyday Practice of Allowing Clothes to Last. In Proceedings of the 4th PLATE 2021 Virtual Conference, Limerick, Ireland, May 26-28, 2021. Retrieved from https://ualresearchonline.arts.ac.uk/id/eprint/18591/1/Burcikova_Mundane%20durability%202021.pdf

Cupchik, G. C. (1999). Emotion and industrial design: Reconciling meanings and feelings. In C. J. Overbeeke & P. Hekkert (Eds.), Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Design and Emotion (pp. 75-82). Delft: Delft University of Technology.

Eren, G. H. (2022). Design for emotional durability: The case of household light design. Sanat&Tasarım Dergisi, 12(1), 283-296.

Fujisaki, W., Tokita, M., & Kariya, K. (2015). Perception of the material properties of wood based on vision, audition, and touch. Vision Research, 109, 185–200. doi: 10.1016/j.visres.2014.11.020

Jensen, M. B. (2021). Emotional Durability– Strategies and Future Integration – A Case Study. PhD dissertation.

Jonsson, J. (2021). Reforming Consumption Habits Through Product Design: Design for Sustainable Development through prolonging product lifetime.

Jordan, P. W. (2000). Designing pleasurable products: An introduction to the new human factors. London: Taylor & Francis.

Mugge, R. (2008). Emotional bonding with products: Investigating product attachment from a design perspective. Saarbrucken: VDM Verlag.

Norman, D. A. (2004). Emotional design: Why we love (or hate) everyday things. New York: Basic Books.

Walker, S. (1995). Sustainable by design: Explorations in theory and practice. London: Earthscan.

WRAP. (2015). Clothing durability report. Banbury: Anthesis & Waste and Resources Action Programme. Retrieved from https://wrap.org.uk/

Yazirlıoğlu, L. (2021). Sustainable design considerations for emotional durability and product longevity through product care activities by repair enthusiasts. Master’s thesis.


Emotional Langlebiges Design I – Haltbarkeit

Die Schaffung einer inspirierenden Arbeitsumgebung, ob zu Hause oder im Büro, ist entscheidend für Konzentration, Kreativität und allgemeines Wohlbefinden. Triste Farben, unzureichende Beleuchtung und langweilige Möbel können die Produktivität beeinträchtigen und die Arbeit eintönig machen. Auch wenn Sie möglicherweise keine Kontrolle über das Farbschema Ihres Büros haben, kann die Personalisierung Ihres Arbeitsplatzes einen erheblichen Unterschied machen. Die Einführung funktionaler und optisch anregender Elemente auf Ihrem Schreibtisch fördert die Effizienz und regt die Kreativität an. Das Einbringen natürlicher Farben, Eleganz und Funktionalität durch Büroaccessoires regt nicht nur Ihre kreative Seite an, sondern vermittelt auch ein Gefühl der Eigenverantwortung für Ihren Arbeitsplatz. Darüber hinaus vermittelt die Art und Weise, wie Sie Ihren Arbeitsbereich erweitern, Aspekte Ihrer Persönlichkeit und Prioritäten an Kollegen und Kunden und macht ihn so zu einem bedeutungsvollen Aspekt Ihrer beruflichen Identität.

Deshalb ist die Wahl des richtigen Büromaterials von entscheidender Bedeutung, da es den Ton für Ihren Arbeitsplatz vorgibt. Der erste Eindruck basiert oft auf dem Erscheinungsbild Ihres Büros und Ihres Schreibtisches, der ihn zu einem wesentlichen Bestandteil des Arbeitsplatzes macht. In vielen Büros wird bei der Auswahl von Bürozubehör die Ästhetik über die Qualität gestellt und dabei Faktoren wie Material und Funktionalität vernachlässigt oder umgekehrt. Um einen bleibenden und positiven Eindruck zu hinterlassen, sollten Sie die Qualität, Funktionalität und Materialien Ihres Desktop-Zubehörs berücksichtigen. Vom Monitorständer bis zum Stifthalter sollte jedes Stück die gesamte Büroeinrichtung ergänzen und ein Gefühl von Luxus vermitteln. Holz ist eines der besten Materialien, um dieses Gefühl zu vermitteln. Holzoptionen wie Eiche, Ahorn, Kirsche oder Walnuss, veredelt mit minimalistischen, modernen Akzenten, bieten langlebige und hochwertige Optionen für Büros, die die Zeit überdauern.

Darüber hinaus steht bei der Ausstattung Ihres Büros mit Accessoires die Langlebigkeit im Vordergrund. Wenn Sie sich für Holzaccessoires entscheiden, stellen Sie sicher, dass diese den Anforderungen des täglichen Gebrauchs standhalten und einen stabilen und zuverlässigen Halt für Ihre Arbeitsplatzgegenstände bieten.

Woodsaka-Bürobedarf aus Massivholz bietet eine Reihe von Optionen für Ihren Schreibtisch. Diese Desktop-Accessoires, darunter Stifthalter, Organizer und Laptopständer, bieten nachhaltige und stilvolle Lösungen und unterstreichen die langlebigen Eigenschaften von Holz. Diese robusten und wartungsarmen Produkte behalten über die Zeit ihre solide und zuverlässige Natur. Woodsaka-Büroaccessoires aus Harthölzern wie Kastanie, Kirsche, Padouk, Ahorn und Walnuss verkörpern Stärke und Haltbarkeit. Woodsaka verwendet diese Materialien für die Herstellung von Heim- und Arbeitsbüros, da sie für ihre zeitlose und robuste Konstruktion bekannt sind. Diese Desktop-Produkte sorgen sogar dafür, dass Ihr Zubehör über Generationen hinweg hält und bieten ein außergewöhnliches Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis. Die inhärente Stärke von Hartholz-Accessoires, vom Stifthalter bis zum Monitorständer, hebt sich von Alternativen ab und behält ihre Form und Funktion langfristig bei. Darüber hinaus bieten Büroaccessoires aus Holz, die hohen Qualitätsstandards entsprechen, im Objektbereich zuverlässige und langlebige Lösungen, minimieren die Notwendigkeit eines häufigen Austauschs und sorgen im Laufe der Zeit für Kosteneinsparungen.

Holz ist langlebig. Wir wissen das. Es besteht jedoch die Notwendigkeit, den Begriff „Haltbarkeit“ genauer zu betrachten. Während die physische Haltbarkeit der erste Aspekt ist, der einem in den Sinn kommt, umfasst die Haltbarkeit sowohl physische als auch emotionale Aspekte. Bei der physischen Haltbarkeit geht es um die Festigkeit und Qualität der Produkte, um deren Widerstandsfähigkeit und gute Konstruktion für eine dauerhafte Nutzung sicherzustellen. Unter Haltbarkeit versteht man die Darstellung der Lebensdauer eines Produkts. Sie gibt an, wie lange das Produkt betriebsbereit bleibt und dem normalen Gebrauch standhält, bevor ein Defekt als irreparabel gilt. Ein gut verarbeitetes Bürozubehör aus Holz mit hervorragender physischer Haltbarkeit ist beispielsweise so konstruiert, dass es Abnutzung standhält und eine lange Lebensdauer gewährleistet.

Umgekehrt geht emotionale Haltbarkeit über Materialspezifikationen und Herstellungsqualität hinaus und umfasst die dauerhafte Wirkung eines Produkts auf die Emotionen des Verbrauchers. Ein Büroorganizer mit emotionaler Beständigkeit wird aufgrund der positiven und starken Assoziationen, die er beim Benutzer hervorruft, immer noch geschätzt und genutzt. Umgekehrt mangelt es schlecht konstruierten Artikeln, die schnell veraltet sein sollen, an emotionaler Haltbarkeit und kann keine dauerhafte Bindung zum Verbraucher aufbauen. Folglich ist die Schnittstelle zwischen physischer und emotionaler Haltbarkeit von entscheidender Bedeutung bei der Entwicklung von Produkten, die sowohl dem Test der Zeit als auch der persönlichen Bindung standhalten.

Die Herstellung von Bürozubehör mit physischer Haltbarkeit ist ein grundlegender Aspekt, aber nicht das einzige Kriterium für die Herstellung eines wirklich wertvollen Produkts. Wir bei Woodsaka sind fest davon überzeugt, dass der Designprozess über die bloße körperliche Stärke hinausgehen und die emotionale Langlebigkeit des Produkts berücksichtigen sollte.

Dieses Thema ist umfangreich und erfordert eine eingehendere Untersuchung. In unserem nächsten Blog werden wir uns eingehender mit dem Konzept der emotionalen Haltbarkeit befassen.


Bhatta, S. R., Tiippana, K., Vahtikari, K., Hughes, M., & Kyttä, M. (2017). Sensory and Emotional Perception of Wooden Surfaces through Fingertip Touch. Frontiers in Psychology, 8, 367. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2017.00367

Burcikova, M. (2021). Mundane Durability: The Everyday Practice of Allowing Clothes to Last. In Proceedings of the 4th PLATE 2021 Virtual Conference, Limerick, Ireland, May 26-28, 2021. Retrieved from https://ualresearchonline.arts.ac.uk/id/eprint/18591/1/Burcikova_Mundane%20durability%202021.pdf

Cupchik, G. C. (1999). Emotion and industrial design: Reconciling meanings and feelings. In C. J. Overbeeke & P. Hekkert (Eds.), Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Design and Emotion (pp. 75-82). Delft: Delft University of Technology.

Eren, G. H. (2022). Design for emotional durability: The case of household light design. Sanat&Tasarım Dergisi, 12(1), 283-296.

Fujisaki, W., Tokita, M., & Kariya, K. (2015). Perception of the material properties of wood based on vision, audition, and touch. Vision Research, 109, 185–200. doi: 10.1016/j.visres.2014.11.020

Jensen, M. B. (2021). Emotional Durability– Strategies and Future Integration – A Case Study. PhD dissertation.

Jonsson, J. (2021). Reforming Consumption Habits Through Product Design: Design for Sustainable Development through prolonging product lifetime.

Jordan, P. W. (2000). Designing pleasurable products: An introduction to the new human factors. London: Taylor & Francis.

Mugge, R. (2008). Emotional bonding with products: Investigating product attachment from a design perspective. Saarbrucken: VDM Verlag.

Norman, D. A. (2004). Emotional design: Why we love (or hate) everyday things. New York: Basic Books.

Walker, S. (1995). Sustainable by design: Explorations in theory and practice. London: Earthscan.

WRAP. (2015). Clothing durability report. Banbury: Anthesis & Waste and Resources Action Programme. Retrieved from https://wrap.org.uk/

Yazirlıoğlu, L. (2021). Sustainable design considerations for emotional durability and product longevity through product care activities by repair enthusiasts. Master’s thesis.


Emotionally Durable Design I – Durability

Establishing an inspiring work environment, whether at home or in an office, is crucial for concentration, creativity, and overall well-being. Drab colors, insufficient lighting, and uninspiring furniture can impede productivity and render work monotonous. While you may not have control over the office’s color scheme, personalizing your workstation can make a significant difference. Introducing functional and visually stimulating elements to your desk promotes efficiency and sparks creativity. Infusing natural colors, elegance, and functionality through office accessories not only engages your creative side but also imparts a sense of ownership over your workspace. Moreover, how you enhance your working area communicates aspects of your personality and priorities to colleagues and customers, making it a meaningful aspect of your professional identity.

That is why choosing the right office supplies is crucial, as it sets the tone for your workplace. The first impression is often based on the appearance of your office and your desk, making it an essential component of the workspace. In many offices, aesthetics is prioritized over quality when selecting office accessories, neglecting factors like material and functionality, or vice versa. To ensure a lasting and positive impression, consider the quality, functionality, and materials of your desktop accessories. From monitor stands to pencil holders, each piece should complement the overall office décor and convey a sense of luxury. Wood is one of the best materials to convey that sense. Wood options like oak, maple, cherry, or walnut, finished with minimalist modern touches, provide durable and high-quality choices for offices that stand the test of time.

Furthermore, when outfitting your office with accessories, the emphasis on durability remains paramount. Opting for wooden accessories ensures they can endure the demands of daily use, providing sturdy and reliable support for your workspace items.

Woodsaka office supplies, crafted from solid wood, offer a range of options for your desk. These desktop accessories, including pencil holders, organizers, and laptop stands, offer sustainable and stylish solutions, showcasing the enduring qualities of wood. Resilient and low-maintenance, these products maintain their solid and reliable nature over time. Woodsaka office accessories, made from hardwoods like chestnut, cherry, padouk, maple, and walnut, embody strength and durability. Woodsaka uses these materials to produce for home and work offices as they are known for their timeless and sturdy construction. These desktop products even ensure that your accessories last for generations, offering exceptional value for your investment. The inherent strength of hardwood accessories, from pencil holders to monitor stands, stands out against alternatives, maintaining their form and function over the long term. Furthermore, in the contract-grade realm, wooden office accessories, meeting high-quality standards, provide reliable, long-lasting solutions, minimizing the need for frequent replacements and offering cost savings over time.

Wood is durable. We know this. However, there is a need to look at the word “durability” closer. While physical durability is the first aspect that comes to mind, durability encompasses both physical and emotional facets. Concerning physical durability, it relates to the strength and quality of products, ensuring their resilience and well-constructed nature for enduring use. Durability is characterized as the representation of a product’s lifespan, indicating the duration during which the product will remain operational and withstand normal usage before a defect is considered irreparable. For instance, a well-crafted wooden office accessory with superior physical durability is constructed to withstand wear and tear, ensuring a lasting lifespan.

Conversely, emotional durability transcends material specifications and manufacturing quality, encompassing the enduring impact of a product on the consumer’s emotions. An office organizer with emotional durability continues to be treasured and utilized due to the positive and robust associations it evokes for the user. Conversely, poorly constructed items designed to quickly become obsolete lack emotional durability, failing to establish a lasting connection with the consumer. Consequently, the intersection of physical and emotional durability is pivotal in creating products that endure both the test of time and personal attachment.

Creating office accessories with physical durability is a fundamental aspect, but it’s not the sole criterion for crafting a truly valuable product. At Woodsaka, we firmly believe that the design process should extend beyond mere physical strength, taking into account the emotional longevity of the product.

This topic is extensive and warrants a deeper exploration. In our next blog, we’ll delve more profoundly into the concept of emotional durability.


Bhatta, S. R., Tiippana, K., Vahtikari, K., Hughes, M., & Kyttä, M. (2017). Sensory and Emotional Perception of Wooden Surfaces through Fingertip Touch. Frontiers in Psychology, 8, 367. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2017.00367

Burcikova, M. (2021). Mundane Durability: The Everyday Practice of Allowing Clothes to Last. In Proceedings of the 4th PLATE 2021 Virtual Conference, Limerick, Ireland, May 26-28, 2021. Retrieved from https://ualresearchonline.arts.ac.uk/id/eprint/18591/1/Burcikova_Mundane%20durability%202021.pdf

Cupchik, G. C. (1999). Emotion and industrial design: Reconciling meanings and feelings. In C. J. Overbeeke & P. Hekkert (Eds.), Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Design and Emotion (pp. 75-82). Delft: Delft University of Technology.

Eren, G. H. (2022). Design for emotional durability: The case of household light design. Sanat&Tasarım Dergisi, 12(1), 283-296.

Fujisaki, W., Tokita, M., & Kariya, K. (2015). Perception of the material properties of wood based on vision, audition, and touch. Vision Research, 109, 185–200. doi: 10.1016/j.visres.2014.11.020

Jensen, M. B. (2021). Emotional Durability– Strategies and Future Integration – A Case Study. PhD dissertation.

Jonsson, J. (2021). Reforming Consumption Habits Through Product Design: Design for Sustainable Development through prolonging product lifetime.

Jordan, P. W. (2000). Designing pleasurable products: An introduction to the new human factors. London: Taylor & Francis.

Mugge, R. (2008). Emotional bonding with products: Investigating product attachment from a design perspective. Saarbrucken: VDM Verlag.

Norman, D. A. (2004). Emotional design: Why we love (or hate) everyday things. New York: Basic Books.

Walker, S. (1995). Sustainable by design: Explorations in theory and practice. London: Earthscan.

WRAP. (2015). Clothing durability report. Banbury: Anthesis & Waste and Resources Action Programme. Retrieved from https://wrap.org.uk/

Yazirlıoğlu, L. (2021). Sustainable design considerations for emotional durability and product longevity through product care activities by repair enthusiasts. Master’s thesis.


Emotionally Durable Design I – Durability

Establishing an inspiring work environment, whether at home or in an office, is crucial for concentration, creativity, and overall well-being. Drab colors, insufficient lighting, and uninspiring furniture can impede productivity and render work monotonous. While you may not have control over the office’s color scheme, personalizing your workstation can make a significant difference. Introducing functional and visually stimulating elements to your desk promotes efficiency and sparks creativity. Infusing natural colors, elegance, and functionality through office accessories not only engages your creative side but also imparts a sense of ownership over your workspace. Moreover, how you enhance your working area communicates aspects of your personality and priorities to colleagues and customers, making it a meaningful aspect of your professional identity.

That is why choosing the right office supplies is crucial, as it sets the tone for your workplace. The first impression is often based on the appearance of your office and your desk, making it an essential component of the workspace. In many offices, aesthetics is prioritized over quality when selecting office accessories, neglecting factors like material and functionality, or vice versa. To ensure a lasting and positive impression, consider the quality, functionality, and materials of your desktop accessories. From monitor stands to pencil holders, each piece should complement the overall office décor and convey a sense of luxury. Wood is one of the best materials to convey that sense. Wood options like oak, maple, cherry, or walnut, finished with minimalist modern touches, provide durable and high-quality choices for offices that stand the test of time.

Furthermore, when outfitting your office with accessories, the emphasis on durability remains paramount. Opting for wooden accessories ensures they can endure the demands of daily use, providing sturdy and reliable support for your workspace items.

Woodsaka office supplies, crafted from solid wood, offer a range of options for your desk. These desktop accessories, including pencil holders, organizers, and laptop stands, offer sustainable and stylish solutions, showcasing the enduring qualities of wood. Resilient and low-maintenance, these products maintain their solid and reliable nature over time. Woodsaka office accessories, made from hardwoods like chestnut, cherry, padouk, maple, and walnut, embody strength and durability. Woodsaka uses these materials to produce for home and work offices as they are known for their timeless and sturdy construction. These desktop products even ensure that your accessories last for generations, offering exceptional value for your investment. The inherent strength of hardwood accessories, from pencil holders to monitor stands, stands out against alternatives, maintaining their form and function over the long term. Furthermore, in the contract-grade realm, wooden office accessories, meeting high-quality standards, provide reliable, long-lasting solutions, minimizing the need for frequent replacements and offering cost savings over time.

Wood is durable. We know this. However, there is a need to look at the word “durability” closer. While physical durability is the first aspect that comes to mind, durability encompasses both physical and emotional facets. Concerning physical durability, it relates to the strength and quality of products, ensuring their resilience and well-constructed nature for enduring use. Durability is characterized as the representation of a product’s lifespan, indicating the duration during which the product will remain operational and withstand normal usage before a defect is considered irreparable. For instance, a well-crafted wooden office accessory with superior physical durability is constructed to withstand wear and tear, ensuring a lasting lifespan.

Conversely, emotional durability transcends material specifications and manufacturing quality, encompassing the enduring impact of a product on the consumer’s emotions. An office organizer with emotional durability continues to be treasured and utilized due to the positive and robust associations it evokes for the user. Conversely, poorly constructed items designed to quickly become obsolete lack emotional durability, failing to establish a lasting connection with the consumer. Consequently, the intersection of physical and emotional durability is pivotal in creating products that endure both the test of time and personal attachment.

Creating office accessories with physical durability is a fundamental aspect, but it’s not the sole criterion for crafting a truly valuable product. At Woodsaka, we firmly believe that the design process should extend beyond mere physical strength, taking into account the emotional longevity of the product.

This topic is extensive and warrants a deeper exploration. In our next blog, we’ll delve more profoundly into the concept of emotional durability.


Bhatta, S. R., Tiippana, K., Vahtikari, K., Hughes, M., & Kyttä, M. (2017). Sensory and Emotional Perception of Wooden Surfaces through Fingertip Touch. Frontiers in Psychology, 8, 367. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2017.00367

Burcikova, M. (2021). Mundane Durability: The Everyday Practice of Allowing Clothes to Last. In Proceedings of the 4th PLATE 2021 Virtual Conference, Limerick, Ireland, May 26-28, 2021. Retrieved from https://ualresearchonline.arts.ac.uk/id/eprint/18591/1/Burcikova_Mundane%20durability%202021.pdf

Cupchik, G. C. (1999). Emotion and industrial design: Reconciling meanings and feelings. In C. J. Overbeeke & P. Hekkert (Eds.), Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Design and Emotion (pp. 75-82). Delft: Delft University of Technology.

Eren, G. H. (2022). Design for emotional durability: The case of household light design. Sanat&Tasarım Dergisi, 12(1), 283-296.

Fujisaki, W., Tokita, M., & Kariya, K. (2015). Perception of the material properties of wood based on vision, audition, and touch. Vision Research, 109, 185–200. doi: 10.1016/j.visres.2014.11.020

Jensen, M. B. (2021). Emotional Durability– Strategies and Future Integration – A Case Study. PhD dissertation.

Jonsson, J. (2021). Reforming Consumption Habits Through Product Design: Design for Sustainable Development through prolonging product lifetime.

Jordan, P. W. (2000). Designing pleasurable products: An introduction to the new human factors. London: Taylor & Francis.

Mugge, R. (2008). Emotional bonding with products: Investigating product attachment from a design perspective. Saarbrucken: VDM Verlag.

Norman, D. A. (2004). Emotional design: Why we love (or hate) everyday things. New York: Basic Books.

Walker, S. (1995). Sustainable by design: Explorations in theory and practice. London: Earthscan.

WRAP. (2015). Clothing durability report. Banbury: Anthesis & Waste and Resources Action Programme. Retrieved from https://wrap.org.uk/

Yazirlıoğlu, L. (2021). Sustainable design considerations for emotional durability and product longevity through product care activities by repair enthusiasts. Master’s thesis.


Emotionally Durable Design I – Durability

Establishing an inspiring work environment, whether at home or in an office, is crucial for concentration, creativity, and overall well-being. Drab colors, insufficient lighting, and uninspiring furniture can impede productivity and render work monotonous. While you may not have control over the office’s color scheme, personalizing your workstation can make a significant difference. Introducing functional and visually stimulating elements to your desk promotes efficiency and sparks creativity. Infusing natural colors, elegance, and functionality through office accessories not only engages your creative side but also imparts a sense of ownership over your workspace. Moreover, how you enhance your working area communicates aspects of your personality and priorities to colleagues and customers, making it a meaningful aspect of your professional identity.

That is why choosing the right office supplies is crucial, as it sets the tone for your workplace. The first impression is often based on the appearance of your office and your desk, making it an essential component of the workspace. In many offices, aesthetics is prioritized over quality when selecting office accessories, neglecting factors like material and functionality, or vice versa. To ensure a lasting and positive impression, consider the quality, functionality, and materials of your desktop accessories. From monitor stands to pencil holders, each piece should complement the overall office décor and convey a sense of luxury. Wood is one of the best materials to convey that sense. Wood options like oak, maple, cherry, or walnut, finished with minimalist modern touches, provide durable and high-quality choices for offices that stand the test of time.

Furthermore, when outfitting your office with accessories, the emphasis on durability remains paramount. Opting for wooden accessories ensures they can endure the demands of daily use, providing sturdy and reliable support for your workspace items.

Woodsaka office supplies, crafted from solid wood, offer a range of options for your desk. These desktop accessories, including pencil holders, organizers, and laptop stands, offer sustainable and stylish solutions, showcasing the enduring qualities of wood. Resilient and low-maintenance, these products maintain their solid and reliable nature over time. Woodsaka office accessories, made from hardwoods like chestnut, cherry, padouk, maple, and walnut, embody strength and durability. Woodsaka uses these materials to produce for home and work offices as they are known for their timeless and sturdy construction. These desktop products even ensure that your accessories last for generations, offering exceptional value for your investment. The inherent strength of hardwood accessories, from pencil holders to monitor stands, stands out against alternatives, maintaining their form and function over the long term. Furthermore, in the contract-grade realm, wooden office accessories, meeting high-quality standards, provide reliable, long-lasting solutions, minimizing the need for frequent replacements and offering cost savings over time.

Wood is durable. We know this. However, there is a need to look at the word “durability” closer. While physical durability is the first aspect that comes to mind, durability encompasses both physical and emotional facets. Concerning physical durability, it relates to the strength and quality of products, ensuring their resilience and well-constructed nature for enduring use. Durability is characterized as the representation of a product’s lifespan, indicating the duration during which the product will remain operational and withstand normal usage before a defect is considered irreparable. For instance, a well-crafted wooden office accessory with superior physical durability is constructed to withstand wear and tear, ensuring a lasting lifespan.

Conversely, emotional durability transcends material specifications and manufacturing quality, encompassing the enduring impact of a product on the consumer’s emotions. An office organizer with emotional durability continues to be treasured and utilized due to the positive and robust associations it evokes for the user. Conversely, poorly constructed items designed to quickly become obsolete lack emotional durability, failing to establish a lasting connection with the consumer. Consequently, the intersection of physical and emotional durability is pivotal in creating products that endure both the test of time and personal attachment.

Creating office accessories with physical durability is a fundamental aspect, but it’s not the sole criterion for crafting a truly valuable product. At Woodsaka, we firmly believe that the design process should extend beyond mere physical strength, taking into account the emotional longevity of the product.

This topic is extensive and warrants a deeper exploration. In our next blog, we’ll delve more profoundly into the concept of emotional durability.


Bhatta, S. R., Tiippana, K., Vahtikari, K., Hughes, M., & Kyttä, M. (2017). Sensory and Emotional Perception of Wooden Surfaces through Fingertip Touch. Frontiers in Psychology, 8, 367. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2017.00367

Burcikova, M. (2021). Mundane Durability: The Everyday Practice of Allowing Clothes to Last. In Proceedings of the 4th PLATE 2021 Virtual Conference, Limerick, Ireland, May 26-28, 2021. Retrieved from https://ualresearchonline.arts.ac.uk/id/eprint/18591/1/Burcikova_Mundane%20durability%202021.pdf

Cupchik, G. C. (1999). Emotion and industrial design: Reconciling meanings and feelings. In C. J. Overbeeke & P. Hekkert (Eds.), Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Design and Emotion (pp. 75-82). Delft: Delft University of Technology.

Eren, G. H. (2022). Design for emotional durability: The case of household light design. Sanat&Tasarım Dergisi, 12(1), 283-296.

Fujisaki, W., Tokita, M., & Kariya, K. (2015). Perception of the material properties of wood based on vision, audition, and touch. Vision Research, 109, 185–200. doi: 10.1016/j.visres.2014.11.020

Jensen, M. B. (2021). Emotional Durability– Strategies and Future Integration – A Case Study. PhD dissertation.

Jonsson, J. (2021). Reforming Consumption Habits Through Product Design: Design for Sustainable Development through prolonging product lifetime.

Jordan, P. W. (2000). Designing pleasurable products: An introduction to the new human factors. London: Taylor & Francis.

Mugge, R. (2008). Emotional bonding with products: Investigating product attachment from a design perspective. Saarbrucken: VDM Verlag.

Norman, D. A. (2004). Emotional design: Why we love (or hate) everyday things. New York: Basic Books.

Walker, S. (1995). Sustainable by design: Explorations in theory and practice. London: Earthscan.

WRAP. (2015). Clothing durability report. Banbury: Anthesis & Waste and Resources Action Programme. Retrieved from https://wrap.org.uk/

Yazirlıoğlu, L. (2021). Sustainable design considerations for emotional durability and product longevity through product care activities by repair enthusiasts. Master’s thesis.


Diseño emocionalmente duradero I – Durabilidad

Establecer un ambiente de trabajo inspirador, ya sea en casa o en la oficina, es crucial para la concentración, la creatividad y el bienestar general. Los colores monótonos, la iluminación insuficiente y los muebles poco inspiradores pueden impedir la productividad y hacer que el trabajo sea monótono. Si bien es posible que no tenga control sobre la combinación de colores de la oficina, personalizar su estación de trabajo puede marcar una diferencia significativa. Introducir elementos funcionales y visualmente estimulantes en su escritorio promueve la eficiencia y despierta la creatividad. Infundir colores naturales, elegancia y funcionalidad a través de accesorios de oficina no sólo atrae su lado creativo sino que también imparte un sentido de propiedad sobre su espacio de trabajo. Además, la forma en que mejora su área de trabajo comunica aspectos de su personalidad y prioridades a colegas y clientes, convirtiéndolo en un aspecto significativo de su identidad profesional.

Por eso es crucial elegir el material de oficina adecuado, ya que marca la pauta para su lugar de trabajo. La primera impresión suele basarse en el aspecto de su oficina y su escritorio, lo que lo convierte en un componente esencial del espacio de trabajo. En muchas oficinas se prioriza la estética sobre la calidad a la hora de seleccionar los complementos de oficina, descuidando factores como el material y la funcionalidad, o viceversa. Para garantizar una impresión positiva y duradera, considere la calidad, la funcionalidad y los materiales de sus accesorios de escritorio. Desde soportes para monitores hasta portalápices, cada pieza debe complementar la decoración general de la oficina y transmitir una sensación de lujo. La madera es uno de los mejores materiales para transmitir esa sensación. Las opciones de madera como roble, arce, cerezo o nogal, terminadas con toques modernos y minimalistas, brindan opciones duraderas y de alta calidad para oficinas que resisten el paso del tiempo.

Además, a la hora de equipar su oficina con accesorios, la durabilidad sigue siendo primordial. Optar por accesorios de madera garantiza que puedan soportar las exigencias del uso diario, proporcionando un soporte resistente y fiable para los elementos de su espacio de trabajo.

Los suministros de oficina Woodsaka, elaborados con madera maciza, ofrecen una variedad de opciones para su escritorio. Estos accesorios de escritorio, incluidos portalápices, organizadores y soportes para portátiles, ofrecen soluciones sostenibles y elegantes que muestran las cualidades duraderas de la madera. Resistentes y de bajo mantenimiento, estos productos mantienen su carácter sólido y fiable en el tiempo. Los accesorios de oficina Woodsaka, fabricados con maderas duras como castaño, cerezo, padouk, arce y nogal, encarnan resistencia y durabilidad. Woodsaka utiliza estos materiales para producir para el hogar y las oficinas, ya que son conocidos por su construcción robusta y atemporal. Estos productos de escritorio incluso garantizan que sus accesorios duren generaciones, ofreciendo un valor excepcional por su inversión. La resistencia inherente de los accesorios de madera, desde portalápices hasta soportes para monitores, se destaca frente a otras alternativas y mantiene su forma y función a largo plazo. Además, en el ámbito contract, los accesorios de oficina de madera, que cumplen con estándares de alta calidad, brindan soluciones confiables y duraderas, minimizan la necesidad de reemplazos frecuentes y ofrecen ahorros de costos con el tiempo.

La madera es duradera. Sabemos esto. Sin embargo, es necesario examinar más de cerca la palabra “durabilidad”. Si bien la durabilidad física es el primer aspecto que me viene a la mente, la durabilidad abarca facetas tanto físicas como emocionales. En cuanto a la durabilidad física, se relaciona con la resistencia y la calidad de los productos, asegurando su resistencia y su naturaleza bien construida para un uso duradero. La durabilidad se caracteriza como la representación de la vida útil de un producto, indicando el tiempo durante el cual el producto permanecerá operativo y resistirá el uso normal antes de que un defecto se considere irreparable. Por ejemplo, un accesorio de oficina de madera bien elaborado con una durabilidad física superior está construido para resistir el desgaste, lo que garantiza una vida útil duradera.

Por el contrario, la durabilidad emocional trasciende las especificaciones de los materiales y la calidad de fabricación y abarca el impacto duradero de un producto en las emociones del consumidor. Un organizador de oficina con durabilidad emocional sigue siendo apreciado y utilizado debido a las asociaciones positivas y sólidas que evoca en el usuario. Por el contrario, los artículos mal construidos diseñados para volverse obsoletos rápidamente carecen de durabilidad emocional y no logran establecer una conexión duradera con el consumidor. En consecuencia, la intersección de la durabilidad física y emocional es fundamental a la hora de crear productos que resistan tanto la prueba del tiempo como el apego personal.

Crear accesorios de oficina con durabilidad física es un aspecto fundamental, pero no es el único criterio para elaborar un producto verdaderamente valioso. En Woodsaka creemos firmemente que el proceso de diseño debe ir más allá de la mera fuerza física, teniendo en cuenta la longevidad emocional del producto.

Este tema es extenso y merece una exploración más profunda. En nuestro próximo blog profundizaremos más en el concepto de durabilidad emocional.


Bhatta, S. R., Tiippana, K., Vahtikari, K., Hughes, M., & Kyttä, M. (2017). Sensory and Emotional Perception of Wooden Surfaces through Fingertip Touch. Frontiers in Psychology, 8, 367. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2017.00367

Burcikova, M. (2021). Mundane Durability: The Everyday Practice of Allowing Clothes to Last. In Proceedings of the 4th PLATE 2021 Virtual Conference, Limerick, Ireland, May 26-28, 2021. Retrieved from https://ualresearchonline.arts.ac.uk/id/eprint/18591/1/Burcikova_Mundane%20durability%202021.pdf

Cupchik, G. C. (1999). Emotion and industrial design: Reconciling meanings and feelings. In C. J. Overbeeke & P. Hekkert (Eds.), Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Design and Emotion (pp. 75-82). Delft: Delft University of Technology.

Eren, G. H. (2022). Design for emotional durability: The case of household light design. Sanat&Tasarım Dergisi, 12(1), 283-296.

Fujisaki, W., Tokita, M., & Kariya, K. (2015). Perception of the material properties of wood based on vision, audition, and touch. Vision Research, 109, 185–200. doi: 10.1016/j.visres.2014.11.020

Jensen, M. B. (2021). Emotional Durability– Strategies and Future Integration – A Case Study. PhD dissertation.

Jonsson, J. (2021). Reforming Consumption Habits Through Product Design: Design for Sustainable Development through prolonging product lifetime.

Jordan, P. W. (2000). Designing pleasurable products: An introduction to the new human factors. London: Taylor & Francis.

Mugge, R. (2008). Emotional bonding with products: Investigating product attachment from a design perspective. Saarbrucken: VDM Verlag.

Norman, D. A. (2004). Emotional design: Why we love (or hate) everyday things. New York: Basic Books.

Walker, S. (1995). Sustainable by design: Explorations in theory and practice. London: Earthscan.

WRAP. (2015). Clothing durability report. Banbury: Anthesis & Waste and Resources Action Programme. Retrieved from https://wrap.org.uk/

Yazirlıoğlu, L. (2021). Sustainable design considerations for emotional durability and product longevity through product care activities by repair enthusiasts. Master’s thesis.