Emotionally Durable Design V – Enhancing Product Emotional Durability 3

Emotional durability is paramount in establishing a lasting and meaningful connection between individuals and the products they own. Unlike fleeting trends, emotionally durable products have the capacity to transcend time, becoming cherished elements in our lives. The significance lies not just in the physical endurance of the product but also in the emotional resonance it evokes. This emotional bond ensures that a product remains relevant, valued, and capable of adapting to changing circumstances in the user’s life. As we delve deeper into understanding and enhancing emotional durability, this blog post will address the last two strategies—Maintenance & Repair and Transparency & Traceability.

Maintenance & Repair: The upkeep and restoration of a product empower individuals to extend the lifespan of their cherished belongings. However, when the quality of a product diminishes, and its lifespan shortens, the motivation to repair dwindles. Scholars argue that the skill of fixing and maintaining products contributes to establishing an emotional connection. Additionally, repair has the potential to cultivate rituals or habits for users, fostering a deeper bond. Nevertheless, not all products lend themselves easily to repair, as low quality can introduce complications in the process and alterations. For instance, simple oiling of a wooden business card holder becomes more challenging if it was not adequately sanded during production. The inherent quality of a product determines its reparability or renewability.

Research highlights our tendency to better care for products to which we are emotionally attached. Some studies suggest that we handle items of significant value with greater care, aiming to extend their lifespan. This indicates a conscientious approach to maintenance and a willingness to mend when necessary. Consequently, repair and maintenance play a crucial role as facilitators in promoting Emotional Durability (ED).

Transparency & Traceability: Sharing stories and information about each product is crucial, enabling customers to gain insights into the craftsmanship involved and fostering a relationship between user and product. This practice allows users to learn about the materials’ origins, the manufacturing process, and maintenance guidelines, contributing to a stronger attachment between the customer and the products.

It holds significant importance to share narratives and details about each product, as they serve as conduits of information and storytellers. Users can establish distinctive and personal histories with the products, creating layers of significance and narrative, which are essential elements of ED. Building emotional bonds between users and objects necessitates sustained interaction and association with memories. Initiating a dialogue between the user and the object lays the foundation for a lasting relationship. Sustaining this conversation post-purchase can be achieved through informative notes in product packaging or blog writings, narrating the product’s story and providing essential information about care, repair, and potential upgrades to ensure both the product’s functionality and the user’s emotional connection. This is why we disclose information about the materials used in crafting Woodsaka office supplies on our website’s description section, and we also offer comprehensive details about the specific types of wood utilized in these blogs.

In conclusion, establishing an emotional bond is paramount. Regrettably, a significant portion of durable products is discarded and replaced even while still functional. Research indicates that few products are disposed of due to functional failures but rather due to a lack of engagement and the development of an emotional bond. Forming an emotional connection holds the potential to instill protective behavior, thereby enhancing product retention and delaying the need for replacement. This underscores the significance of extending the active life of products, offering both environmental benefits and the most substantial savings compared to other practices in the product lifecycle.

Having explored various strategies for extending product lifespans, it was essential to delve into the concept of emotional durability to comprehend the vision underlying Woodsaka office products. We firmly believe that crafting office essentials, whether as small as a pencil or paperclip holder from our charming 3line set or as substantial as a cable box or magazine holder, demands meticulous attention at every production step. This ensures that end users derive prolonged joy from our products.

Lastly, focusing on the development and emphasis of unique and timeless design, dependability, and graceful aging, among other approaches, proves crucial in enhancing emotional durability. Therefore, building a dedicated team responsible for developing and curating unique products, as exemplified by our team at Woodsaka, is essential.


Bhatta, S. R., Tiippana, K., Vahtikari, K., Hughes, M., & Kyttä, M. (2017). Sensory and Emotional Perception of Wooden Surfaces through Fingertip Touch. Frontiers in Psychology, 8, 367. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2017.00367

Burcikova, M. (2021). Mundane Durability: The Everyday Practice of Allowing Clothes to Last. In Proceedings of the 4th PLATE 2021 Virtual Conference, Limerick, Ireland, May 26-28, 2021. Retrieved from https://ualresearchonline.arts.ac.uk/id/eprint/18591/1/Burcikova_Mundane%20durability%202021.pdf

Cupchik, G. C. (1999). Emotion and industrial design: Reconciling meanings and feelings. In C. J. Overbeeke & P. Hekkert (Eds.), Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Design and Emotion (pp. 75-82). Delft: Delft University of Technology.

Eren, G. H. (2022). Design for emotional durability: The case of household light design. Sanat&Tasarım Dergisi, 12(1), 283-296.

Fujisaki, W., Tokita, M., & Kariya, K. (2015). Perception of the material properties of wood based on vision, audition, and touch. Vision Research, 109, 185–200. doi: 10.1016/j.visres.2014.11.020

Jensen, M. B. (2021). Emotional Durability– Strategies and Future Integration – A Case Study. PhD dissertation.

Jonsson, J. (2021). Reforming Consumption Habits Through Product Design: Design for Sustainable Development through prolonging product lifetime.

Jordan, P. W. (2000). Designing pleasurable products: An introduction to the new human factors. London: Taylor & Francis.

Mugge, R. (2008). Emotional bonding with products: Investigating product attachment from a design perspective. Saarbrucken: VDM Verlag.

Norman, D. A. (2004). Emotional design: Why we love (or hate) everyday things. New York: Basic Books.

Walker, S. (1995). Sustainable by design: Explorations in theory and practice. London: Earthscan.

WRAP. (2015). Clothing durability report. Banbury: Anthesis & Waste and Resources Action Programme. Retrieved from https://wrap.org.uk/

Yazirlıoğlu, L. (2021). Sustainable design considerations for emotional durability and product longevity through product care activities by repair enthusiasts. Master’s thesis.


Conception émotionnellement durable V – Améliorer la durabilité émotionnelle du produit 3

La durabilité émotionnelle est primordiale pour établir un lien durable et significatif entre les individus et les produits qu’ils possèdent. Contrairement aux tendances éphémères, les produits émotionnellement durables ont la capacité de transcender le temps et de devenir des éléments précieux dans nos vies. L’importance ne réside pas seulement dans la résistance physique du produit, mais aussi dans la résonance émotionnelle qu’il évoque. Ce lien émotionnel garantit qu’un produit reste pertinent, valorisé et capable de s’adapter aux circonstances changeantes de la vie de l’utilisateur. Alors que nous approfondissons la compréhension et l’amélioration de la durabilité émotionnelle, cet article de blog abordera les deux dernières stratégies : Maintenance et réparation et Transparence et traçabilité.

Entretien et réparation : L’entretien et la restauration d’un produit permettent aux individus de prolonger la durée de vie de leurs biens les plus précieux. Cependant, lorsque la qualité d’un produit diminue et que sa durée de vie se raccourcit, la motivation à le réparer diminue. Les chercheurs soutiennent que la capacité de réparer et d’entretenir les produits contribue à établir un lien émotionnel. De plus, la réparation a le potentiel de cultiver des rituels ou des habitudes pour les utilisateurs, favorisant ainsi un lien plus profond. Néanmoins, tous les produits ne se prêtent pas facilement à la réparation, car une mauvaise qualité peut entraîner des complications dans le processus et des modifications. Par exemple, le simple huilage d’un porte-cartes de visite en bois devient plus difficile s’il n’a pas été correctement poncé pendant la production. La qualité inhérente d’un produit détermine sa réparabilité ou son caractère renouvelable.

La recherche met en évidence notre tendance à mieux prendre soin des produits auxquels nous sommes émotionnellement attachés. Certaines études suggèrent que nous manipulons avec plus de soin les objets de grande valeur, dans le but de prolonger leur durée de vie. Cela indique une approche consciencieuse de l’entretien et une volonté de réparer si nécessaire. Par conséquent, la réparation et l’entretien jouent un rôle crucial en tant que facilitateurs dans la promotion de la durabilité émotionnelle (DE).

Transparence et traçabilité : le partage d’histoires et d’informations sur chaque produit est crucial, permettant aux clients d’avoir un aperçu du savoir-faire impliqué et favorisant une relation entre l’utilisateur et le produit. Cette pratique permet aux utilisateurs de connaître l’origine des matériaux, le processus de fabrication et les directives d’entretien, contribuant ainsi à un attachement plus fort entre le client et les produits.

Il est très important de partager des récits et des détails sur chaque produit, car ils servent de canal d’information et de conteurs. Les utilisateurs peuvent établir des histoires distinctives et personnelles avec les produits, créant ainsi des couches de signification et de narration, qui sont des éléments essentiels de l’ED. L’établissement de liens émotionnels entre les utilisateurs et les objets nécessite une interaction et une association soutenues avec les souvenirs. Initier un dialogue entre l’utilisateur et l’objet pose les bases d’une relation durable. Maintenir cette conversation après l’achat peut être réalisé grâce à des notes informatives dans l’emballage du produit ou des écrits de blog, racontant l’histoire du produit et fournissant des informations essentielles sur l’entretien, la réparation et les mises à niveau potentielles pour garantir à la fois la fonctionnalité du produit et la connexion émotionnelle de l’utilisateur. C’est pourquoi nous divulguons des informations sur les matériaux utilisés dans la fabrication des fournitures de bureau Woodsaka dans la section de description de notre site Web, et nous proposons également des détails complets sur les types spécifiques de bois utilisés dans ces blogs.

En conclusion, établir un lien affectif est primordial. Malheureusement, une partie importante des produits durables sont jetés et remplacés alors même qu’ils sont encore fonctionnels. Les recherches indiquent que peu de produits sont jetés en raison de défaillances fonctionnelles mais plutôt en raison d’un manque d’engagement et du développement d’un lien émotionnel. L’établissement d’un lien émotionnel a le potentiel d’inculquer un comportement protecteur, améliorant ainsi la rétention du produit et retardant le besoin de remplacement. Cela souligne l’importance de prolonger la durée de vie active des produits, offrant à la fois des avantages environnementaux et les économies les plus substantielles par rapport à d’autres pratiques du cycle de vie des produits.

Après avoir exploré diverses stratégies pour prolonger la durée de vie des produits, il était essentiel d’approfondir le concept de durabilité émotionnelle pour comprendre la vision qui sous-tend les produits de bureau Woodsaka. Nous croyons fermement que la fabrication d’essentiels de bureau, qu’ils soient aussi petits qu’un porte-crayon ou un trombone de notre charmant ensemble de 3 lignes ou aussi importants qu’un boîtier de câbles ou un porte-revues, exige une attention méticuleuse à chaque étape de production. Cela garantit que les utilisateurs finaux tirent une joie prolongée de nos produits.

Enfin, se concentrer sur le développement et l’accent mis sur un design unique et intemporel, sur la fiabilité et sur un vieillissement gracieux, entre autres approches, s’avère crucial pour améliorer la durabilité émotionnelle. Par conséquent, il est essentiel de constituer une équipe dédiée chargée du développement et de la sélection de produits uniques, comme en témoigne notre équipe de Woodsaka.


Bhatta, S. R., Tiippana, K., Vahtikari, K., Hughes, M., & Kyttä, M. (2017). Sensory and Emotional Perception of Wooden Surfaces through Fingertip Touch. Frontiers in Psychology, 8, 367. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2017.00367

Burcikova, M. (2021). Mundane Durability: The Everyday Practice of Allowing Clothes to Last. In Proceedings of the 4th PLATE 2021 Virtual Conference, Limerick, Ireland, May 26-28, 2021. Retrieved from https://ualresearchonline.arts.ac.uk/id/eprint/18591/1/Burcikova_Mundane%20durability%202021.pdf

Cupchik, G. C. (1999). Emotion and industrial design: Reconciling meanings and feelings. In C. J. Overbeeke & P. Hekkert (Eds.), Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Design and Emotion (pp. 75-82). Delft: Delft University of Technology.

Eren, G. H. (2022). Design for emotional durability: The case of household light design. Sanat&Tasarım Dergisi, 12(1), 283-296.

Fujisaki, W., Tokita, M., & Kariya, K. (2015). Perception of the material properties of wood based on vision, audition, and touch. Vision Research, 109, 185–200. doi: 10.1016/j.visres.2014.11.020

Jensen, M. B. (2021). Emotional Durability– Strategies and Future Integration – A Case Study. PhD dissertation.

Jonsson, J. (2021). Reforming Consumption Habits Through Product Design: Design for Sustainable Development through prolonging product lifetime.

Jordan, P. W. (2000). Designing pleasurable products: An introduction to the new human factors. London: Taylor & Francis.

Mugge, R. (2008). Emotional bonding with products: Investigating product attachment from a design perspective. Saarbrucken: VDM Verlag.

Norman, D. A. (2004). Emotional design: Why we love (or hate) everyday things. New York: Basic Books.

Walker, S. (1995). Sustainable by design: Explorations in theory and practice. London: Earthscan.

WRAP. (2015). Clothing durability report. Banbury: Anthesis & Waste and Resources Action Programme. Retrieved from https://wrap.org.uk/

Yazirlıoğlu, L. (2021). Sustainable design considerations for emotional durability and product longevity through product care activities by repair enthusiasts. Master’s thesis.


Emotional Langlebiges Design V – Verbesserung der Emotionalen Haltbarkeit des Produkts 3

Emotionale Beständigkeit ist von größter Bedeutung für den Aufbau einer dauerhaften und sinnvollen Verbindung zwischen Einzelpersonen und den Produkten, die sie besitzen. Im Gegensatz zu flüchtigen Trends haben emotional langlebige Produkte die Fähigkeit, die Zeit zu überschreiten und zu geschätzten Elementen unseres Lebens zu werden. Die Bedeutung liegt nicht nur in der physischen Belastbarkeit des Produkts, sondern auch in der emotionalen Resonanz, die es hervorruft. Diese emotionale Bindung stellt sicher, dass ein Produkt relevant und wertgeschätzt bleibt und sich an veränderte Umstände im Leben des Benutzers anpassen kann. Während wir uns eingehender mit dem Verständnis und der Verbesserung der emotionalen Haltbarkeit befassen, befasst sich dieser Blogbeitrag mit den letzten beiden Strategien – Wartung und Reparatur sowie Transparenz und Rückverfolgbarkeit.

Wartung und Reparatur: Die Wartung und Wiederherstellung eines Produkts ermöglicht es Einzelpersonen, die Lebensdauer ihrer geschätzten Gegenstände zu verlängern. Wenn jedoch die Qualität eines Produkts nachlässt und sich seine Lebensdauer verkürzt, schwindet die Motivation zur Reparatur. Wissenschaftler argumentieren, dass die Fähigkeit, Produkte zu reparieren und zu warten, zum Aufbau einer emotionalen Verbindung beiträgt. Darüber hinaus hat die Reparatur das Potenzial, Rituale oder Gewohnheiten für die Benutzer zu kultivieren und so eine tiefere Bindung zu fördern. Dennoch lassen sich nicht alle Produkte problemlos reparieren, da eine geringe Qualität zu Komplikationen im Prozess und zu Änderungen führen kann. Beispielsweise wird das einfache Ölen eines Visitenkartenetuis aus Holz schwieriger, wenn es bei der Herstellung nicht ausreichend geschliffen wurde. Die inhärente Qualität eines Produkts bestimmt seine Reparierbarkeit oder Erneuerbarkeit.

Untersuchungen unterstreichen unsere Tendenz, Produkte, an die wir emotional gebunden sind, besser zu pflegen. Einige Studien deuten darauf hin, dass wir mit Gegenständen von erheblichem Wert mit größerer Sorgfalt umgehen, um deren Lebensdauer zu verlängern. Dies weist auf einen gewissenhaften Umgang mit der Wartung und die Bereitschaft zur Reparatur bei Bedarf hin. Folglich spielen Reparatur und Wartung eine entscheidende Rolle als Vermittler bei der Förderung der emotionalen Haltbarkeit (ED).

Transparenz und Rückverfolgbarkeit: Der Austausch von Geschichten und Informationen zu jedem Produkt ist von entscheidender Bedeutung, um Kunden Einblicke in die Handwerkskunst zu ermöglichen und eine Beziehung zwischen Benutzer und Produkt zu fördern. Diese Praxis ermöglicht es den Benutzern, mehr über die Herkunft der Materialien, den Herstellungsprozess und die Wartungsrichtlinien zu erfahren, was zu einer stärkeren Bindung zwischen dem Kunden und den Produkten beiträgt.

Es ist von großer Bedeutung, Erzählungen und Details zu jedem Produkt zu teilen, da sie als Informationskanäle und Geschichtenerzähler dienen. Benutzer können mit den Produkten eine unverwechselbare und persönliche Geschichte aufbauen und so Ebenen von Bedeutung und Erzählung schaffen, die wesentliche Elemente von ED sind. Der Aufbau emotionaler Bindungen zwischen Benutzern und Objekten erfordert eine nachhaltige Interaktion und Assoziation mit Erinnerungen. Die Initiierung eines Dialogs zwischen dem Benutzer und dem Objekt legt den Grundstein für eine dauerhafte Beziehung. Die Aufrechterhaltung dieses Gesprächs nach dem Kauf kann durch informative Notizen in der Produktverpackung oder in Blog-Beiträgen erreicht werden, die die Geschichte des Produkts erzählen und wichtige Informationen über Pflege, Reparatur und mögliche Upgrades bereitstellen, um sowohl die Funktionalität des Produkts als auch die emotionale Bindung des Benutzers sicherzustellen. Aus diesem Grund veröffentlichen wir im Beschreibungsbereich unserer Website Informationen über die Materialien, die bei der Herstellung von Woodsaka-Bürobedarf verwendet werden, und bieten in diesen Blogs auch umfassende Details zu den spezifischen Holzarten, die verwendet werden.

Zusammenfassend lässt sich sagen, dass der Aufbau einer emotionalen Bindung von größter Bedeutung ist. Bedauerlicherweise wird ein erheblicher Teil der langlebigen Produkte entsorgt und ersetzt, obwohl sie noch funktionsfähig sind. Untersuchungen zeigen, dass nur wenige Produkte aufgrund von Funktionsmängeln entsorgt werden, sondern eher aufgrund mangelnden Engagements und der Entwicklung einer emotionalen Bindung. Der Aufbau einer emotionalen Verbindung birgt das Potenzial, Schutzverhalten zu fördern, wodurch die Produktbindung verbessert und die Notwendigkeit eines Ersatzes hinausgezögert wird. Dies unterstreicht die Bedeutung der Verlängerung der aktiven Lebensdauer von Produkten und bietet sowohl Vorteile für die Umwelt als auch die größten Einsparungen im Vergleich zu anderen Praktiken im Produktlebenszyklus.

Nachdem wir verschiedene Strategien zur Verlängerung der Produktlebensdauer untersucht hatten, war es wichtig, sich mit dem Konzept der emotionalen Haltbarkeit zu befassen, um die Vision zu verstehen, die den Büroprodukten von Woodsaka zugrunde liegt. Wir sind fest davon überzeugt, dass die Herstellung von Büroutensilien, ob so klein wie ein Bleistift- oder Büroklammerhalter aus unserem charmanten 3-Linien-Set oder so umfangreich wie eine Kabelbox oder ein Zeitschriftenhalter, bei jedem Produktionsschritt sorgfältige Aufmerksamkeit erfordert. Dies stellt sicher, dass Endverbraucher lange Freude an unseren Produkten haben.

Schließlich erweist sich die Konzentration auf die Entwicklung und Betonung von einzigartigem und zeitlosem Design, Zuverlässigkeit und anmutigem Altern sowie anderen Ansätzen als entscheidend für die Verbesserung der emotionalen Haltbarkeit. Daher ist der Aufbau eines engagierten Teams, das für die Entwicklung und Kuratierung einzigartiger Produkte verantwortlich ist, wie unser Team bei Woodsaka beispielhaft zeigt, von entscheidender Bedeutung.


Bhatta, S. R., Tiippana, K., Vahtikari, K., Hughes, M., & Kyttä, M. (2017). Sensory and Emotional Perception of Wooden Surfaces through Fingertip Touch. Frontiers in Psychology, 8, 367. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2017.00367

Burcikova, M. (2021). Mundane Durability: The Everyday Practice of Allowing Clothes to Last. In Proceedings of the 4th PLATE 2021 Virtual Conference, Limerick, Ireland, May 26-28, 2021. Retrieved from https://ualresearchonline.arts.ac.uk/id/eprint/18591/1/Burcikova_Mundane%20durability%202021.pdf

Cupchik, G. C. (1999). Emotion and industrial design: Reconciling meanings and feelings. In C. J. Overbeeke & P. Hekkert (Eds.), Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Design and Emotion (pp. 75-82). Delft: Delft University of Technology.

Eren, G. H. (2022). Design for emotional durability: The case of household light design. Sanat&Tasarım Dergisi, 12(1), 283-296.

Fujisaki, W., Tokita, M., & Kariya, K. (2015). Perception of the material properties of wood based on vision, audition, and touch. Vision Research, 109, 185–200. doi: 10.1016/j.visres.2014.11.020

Jensen, M. B. (2021). Emotional Durability– Strategies and Future Integration – A Case Study. PhD dissertation.

Jonsson, J. (2021). Reforming Consumption Habits Through Product Design: Design for Sustainable Development through prolonging product lifetime.

Jordan, P. W. (2000). Designing pleasurable products: An introduction to the new human factors. London: Taylor & Francis.

Mugge, R. (2008). Emotional bonding with products: Investigating product attachment from a design perspective. Saarbrucken: VDM Verlag.

Norman, D. A. (2004). Emotional design: Why we love (or hate) everyday things. New York: Basic Books.

Walker, S. (1995). Sustainable by design: Explorations in theory and practice. London: Earthscan.

WRAP. (2015). Clothing durability report. Banbury: Anthesis & Waste and Resources Action Programme. Retrieved from https://wrap.org.uk/

Yazirlıoğlu, L. (2021). Sustainable design considerations for emotional durability and product longevity through product care activities by repair enthusiasts. Master’s thesis.


Emotionally Durable Design V – Enhancing Product Emotional Durability 3

Emotional durability is paramount in establishing a lasting and meaningful connection between individuals and the products they own. Unlike fleeting trends, emotionally durable products have the capacity to transcend time, becoming cherished elements in our lives. The significance lies not just in the physical endurance of the product but also in the emotional resonance it evokes. This emotional bond ensures that a product remains relevant, valued, and capable of adapting to changing circumstances in the user’s life. As we delve deeper into understanding and enhancing emotional durability, this blog post will address the last two strategies—Maintenance & Repair and Transparency & Traceability.

Maintenance & Repair: The upkeep and restoration of a product empower individuals to extend the lifespan of their cherished belongings. However, when the quality of a product diminishes, and its lifespan shortens, the motivation to repair dwindles. Scholars argue that the skill of fixing and maintaining products contributes to establishing an emotional connection. Additionally, repair has the potential to cultivate rituals or habits for users, fostering a deeper bond. Nevertheless, not all products lend themselves easily to repair, as low quality can introduce complications in the process and alterations. For instance, simple oiling of a wooden business card holder becomes more challenging if it was not adequately sanded during production. The inherent quality of a product determines its reparability or renewability.

Research highlights our tendency to better care for products to which we are emotionally attached. Some studies suggest that we handle items of significant value with greater care, aiming to extend their lifespan. This indicates a conscientious approach to maintenance and a willingness to mend when necessary. Consequently, repair and maintenance play a crucial role as facilitators in promoting Emotional Durability (ED).

Transparency & Traceability: Sharing stories and information about each product is crucial, enabling customers to gain insights into the craftsmanship involved and fostering a relationship between user and product. This practice allows users to learn about the materials’ origins, the manufacturing process, and maintenance guidelines, contributing to a stronger attachment between the customer and the products.

It holds significant importance to share narratives and details about each product, as they serve as conduits of information and storytellers. Users can establish distinctive and personal histories with the products, creating layers of significance and narrative, which are essential elements of ED. Building emotional bonds between users and objects necessitates sustained interaction and association with memories. Initiating a dialogue between the user and the object lays the foundation for a lasting relationship. Sustaining this conversation post-purchase can be achieved through informative notes in product packaging or blog writings, narrating the product’s story and providing essential information about care, repair, and potential upgrades to ensure both the product’s functionality and the user’s emotional connection. This is why we disclose information about the materials used in crafting Woodsaka office supplies on our website’s description section, and we also offer comprehensive details about the specific types of wood utilized in these blogs.

In conclusion, establishing an emotional bond is paramount. Regrettably, a significant portion of durable products is discarded and replaced even while still functional. Research indicates that few products are disposed of due to functional failures but rather due to a lack of engagement and the development of an emotional bond. Forming an emotional connection holds the potential to instill protective behavior, thereby enhancing product retention and delaying the need for replacement. This underscores the significance of extending the active life of products, offering both environmental benefits and the most substantial savings compared to other practices in the product lifecycle.

Having explored various strategies for extending product lifespans, it was essential to delve into the concept of emotional durability to comprehend the vision underlying Woodsaka office products. We firmly believe that crafting office essentials, whether as small as a pencil or paperclip holder from our charming 3line set or as substantial as a cable box or magazine holder, demands meticulous attention at every production step. This ensures that end users derive prolonged joy from our products.

Lastly, focusing on the development and emphasis of unique and timeless design, dependability, and graceful aging, among other approaches, proves crucial in enhancing emotional durability. Therefore, building a dedicated team responsible for developing and curating unique products, as exemplified by our team at Woodsaka, is essential.


Bhatta, S. R., Tiippana, K., Vahtikari, K., Hughes, M., & Kyttä, M. (2017). Sensory and Emotional Perception of Wooden Surfaces through Fingertip Touch. Frontiers in Psychology, 8, 367. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2017.00367

Burcikova, M. (2021). Mundane Durability: The Everyday Practice of Allowing Clothes to Last. In Proceedings of the 4th PLATE 2021 Virtual Conference, Limerick, Ireland, May 26-28, 2021. Retrieved from https://ualresearchonline.arts.ac.uk/id/eprint/18591/1/Burcikova_Mundane%20durability%202021.pdf

Cupchik, G. C. (1999). Emotion and industrial design: Reconciling meanings and feelings. In C. J. Overbeeke & P. Hekkert (Eds.), Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Design and Emotion (pp. 75-82). Delft: Delft University of Technology.

Eren, G. H. (2022). Design for emotional durability: The case of household light design. Sanat&Tasarım Dergisi, 12(1), 283-296.

Fujisaki, W., Tokita, M., & Kariya, K. (2015). Perception of the material properties of wood based on vision, audition, and touch. Vision Research, 109, 185–200. doi: 10.1016/j.visres.2014.11.020

Jensen, M. B. (2021). Emotional Durability– Strategies and Future Integration – A Case Study. PhD dissertation.

Jonsson, J. (2021). Reforming Consumption Habits Through Product Design: Design for Sustainable Development through prolonging product lifetime.

Jordan, P. W. (2000). Designing pleasurable products: An introduction to the new human factors. London: Taylor & Francis.

Mugge, R. (2008). Emotional bonding with products: Investigating product attachment from a design perspective. Saarbrucken: VDM Verlag.

Norman, D. A. (2004). Emotional design: Why we love (or hate) everyday things. New York: Basic Books.

Walker, S. (1995). Sustainable by design: Explorations in theory and practice. London: Earthscan.

WRAP. (2015). Clothing durability report. Banbury: Anthesis & Waste and Resources Action Programme. Retrieved from https://wrap.org.uk/

Yazirlıoğlu, L. (2021). Sustainable design considerations for emotional durability and product longevity through product care activities by repair enthusiasts. Master’s thesis.


Emotionally Durable Design V – Enhancing Product Emotional Durability 3

Emotional durability is paramount in establishing a lasting and meaningful connection between individuals and the products they own. Unlike fleeting trends, emotionally durable products have the capacity to transcend time, becoming cherished elements in our lives. The significance lies not just in the physical endurance of the product but also in the emotional resonance it evokes. This emotional bond ensures that a product remains relevant, valued, and capable of adapting to changing circumstances in the user’s life. As we delve deeper into understanding and enhancing emotional durability, this blog post will address the last two strategies—Maintenance & Repair and Transparency & Traceability.

Maintenance & Repair: The upkeep and restoration of a product empower individuals to extend the lifespan of their cherished belongings. However, when the quality of a product diminishes, and its lifespan shortens, the motivation to repair dwindles. Scholars argue that the skill of fixing and maintaining products contributes to establishing an emotional connection. Additionally, repair has the potential to cultivate rituals or habits for users, fostering a deeper bond. Nevertheless, not all products lend themselves easily to repair, as low quality can introduce complications in the process and alterations. For instance, simple oiling of a wooden business card holder becomes more challenging if it was not adequately sanded during production. The inherent quality of a product determines its reparability or renewability.

Research highlights our tendency to better care for products to which we are emotionally attached. Some studies suggest that we handle items of significant value with greater care, aiming to extend their lifespan. This indicates a conscientious approach to maintenance and a willingness to mend when necessary. Consequently, repair and maintenance play a crucial role as facilitators in promoting Emotional Durability (ED).

Transparency & Traceability: Sharing stories and information about each product is crucial, enabling customers to gain insights into the craftsmanship involved and fostering a relationship between user and product. This practice allows users to learn about the materials’ origins, the manufacturing process, and maintenance guidelines, contributing to a stronger attachment between the customer and the products.

It holds significant importance to share narratives and details about each product, as they serve as conduits of information and storytellers. Users can establish distinctive and personal histories with the products, creating layers of significance and narrative, which are essential elements of ED. Building emotional bonds between users and objects necessitates sustained interaction and association with memories. Initiating a dialogue between the user and the object lays the foundation for a lasting relationship. Sustaining this conversation post-purchase can be achieved through informative notes in product packaging or blog writings, narrating the product’s story and providing essential information about care, repair, and potential upgrades to ensure both the product’s functionality and the user’s emotional connection. This is why we disclose information about the materials used in crafting Woodsaka office supplies on our website’s description section, and we also offer comprehensive details about the specific types of wood utilized in these blogs.

In conclusion, establishing an emotional bond is paramount. Regrettably, a significant portion of durable products is discarded and replaced even while still functional. Research indicates that few products are disposed of due to functional failures but rather due to a lack of engagement and the development of an emotional bond. Forming an emotional connection holds the potential to instill protective behavior, thereby enhancing product retention and delaying the need for replacement. This underscores the significance of extending the active life of products, offering both environmental benefits and the most substantial savings compared to other practices in the product lifecycle.

Having explored various strategies for extending product lifespans, it was essential to delve into the concept of emotional durability to comprehend the vision underlying Woodsaka office products. We firmly believe that crafting office essentials, whether as small as a pencil or paperclip holder from our charming 3line set or as substantial as a cable box or magazine holder, demands meticulous attention at every production step. This ensures that end users derive prolonged joy from our products.

Lastly, focusing on the development and emphasis of unique and timeless design, dependability, and graceful aging, among other approaches, proves crucial in enhancing emotional durability. Therefore, building a dedicated team responsible for developing and curating unique products, as exemplified by our team at Woodsaka, is essential.


Bhatta, S. R., Tiippana, K., Vahtikari, K., Hughes, M., & Kyttä, M. (2017). Sensory and Emotional Perception of Wooden Surfaces through Fingertip Touch. Frontiers in Psychology, 8, 367. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2017.00367

Burcikova, M. (2021). Mundane Durability: The Everyday Practice of Allowing Clothes to Last. In Proceedings of the 4th PLATE 2021 Virtual Conference, Limerick, Ireland, May 26-28, 2021. Retrieved from https://ualresearchonline.arts.ac.uk/id/eprint/18591/1/Burcikova_Mundane%20durability%202021.pdf

Cupchik, G. C. (1999). Emotion and industrial design: Reconciling meanings and feelings. In C. J. Overbeeke & P. Hekkert (Eds.), Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Design and Emotion (pp. 75-82). Delft: Delft University of Technology.

Eren, G. H. (2022). Design for emotional durability: The case of household light design. Sanat&Tasarım Dergisi, 12(1), 283-296.

Fujisaki, W., Tokita, M., & Kariya, K. (2015). Perception of the material properties of wood based on vision, audition, and touch. Vision Research, 109, 185–200. doi: 10.1016/j.visres.2014.11.020

Jensen, M. B. (2021). Emotional Durability– Strategies and Future Integration – A Case Study. PhD dissertation.

Jonsson, J. (2021). Reforming Consumption Habits Through Product Design: Design for Sustainable Development through prolonging product lifetime.

Jordan, P. W. (2000). Designing pleasurable products: An introduction to the new human factors. London: Taylor & Francis.

Mugge, R. (2008). Emotional bonding with products: Investigating product attachment from a design perspective. Saarbrucken: VDM Verlag.

Norman, D. A. (2004). Emotional design: Why we love (or hate) everyday things. New York: Basic Books.

Walker, S. (1995). Sustainable by design: Explorations in theory and practice. London: Earthscan.

WRAP. (2015). Clothing durability report. Banbury: Anthesis & Waste and Resources Action Programme. Retrieved from https://wrap.org.uk/

Yazirlıoğlu, L. (2021). Sustainable design considerations for emotional durability and product longevity through product care activities by repair enthusiasts. Master’s thesis.


Emotionally Durable Design V – Enhancing Product Emotional Durability 3

Emotional durability is paramount in establishing a lasting and meaningful connection between individuals and the products they own. Unlike fleeting trends, emotionally durable products have the capacity to transcend time, becoming cherished elements in our lives. The significance lies not just in the physical endurance of the product but also in the emotional resonance it evokes. This emotional bond ensures that a product remains relevant, valued, and capable of adapting to changing circumstances in the user’s life. As we delve deeper into understanding and enhancing emotional durability, this blog post will address the last two strategies—Maintenance & Repair and Transparency & Traceability.

Maintenance & Repair: The upkeep and restoration of a product empower individuals to extend the lifespan of their cherished belongings. However, when the quality of a product diminishes, and its lifespan shortens, the motivation to repair dwindles. Scholars argue that the skill of fixing and maintaining products contributes to establishing an emotional connection. Additionally, repair has the potential to cultivate rituals or habits for users, fostering a deeper bond. Nevertheless, not all products lend themselves easily to repair, as low quality can introduce complications in the process and alterations. For instance, simple oiling of a wooden business card holder becomes more challenging if it was not adequately sanded during production. The inherent quality of a product determines its reparability or renewability.

Research highlights our tendency to better care for products to which we are emotionally attached. Some studies suggest that we handle items of significant value with greater care, aiming to extend their lifespan. This indicates a conscientious approach to maintenance and a willingness to mend when necessary. Consequently, repair and maintenance play a crucial role as facilitators in promoting Emotional Durability (ED).

Transparency & Traceability: Sharing stories and information about each product is crucial, enabling customers to gain insights into the craftsmanship involved and fostering a relationship between user and product. This practice allows users to learn about the materials’ origins, the manufacturing process, and maintenance guidelines, contributing to a stronger attachment between the customer and the products.

It holds significant importance to share narratives and details about each product, as they serve as conduits of information and storytellers. Users can establish distinctive and personal histories with the products, creating layers of significance and narrative, which are essential elements of ED. Building emotional bonds between users and objects necessitates sustained interaction and association with memories. Initiating a dialogue between the user and the object lays the foundation for a lasting relationship. Sustaining this conversation post-purchase can be achieved through informative notes in product packaging or blog writings, narrating the product’s story and providing essential information about care, repair, and potential upgrades to ensure both the product’s functionality and the user’s emotional connection. This is why we disclose information about the materials used in crafting Woodsaka office supplies on our website’s description section, and we also offer comprehensive details about the specific types of wood utilized in these blogs.

In conclusion, establishing an emotional bond is paramount. Regrettably, a significant portion of durable products is discarded and replaced even while still functional. Research indicates that few products are disposed of due to functional failures but rather due to a lack of engagement and the development of an emotional bond. Forming an emotional connection holds the potential to instill protective behavior, thereby enhancing product retention and delaying the need for replacement. This underscores the significance of extending the active life of products, offering both environmental benefits and the most substantial savings compared to other practices in the product lifecycle.

Having explored various strategies for extending product lifespans, it was essential to delve into the concept of emotional durability to comprehend the vision underlying Woodsaka office products. We firmly believe that crafting office essentials, whether as small as a pencil or paperclip holder from our charming 3line set or as substantial as a cable box or magazine holder, demands meticulous attention at every production step. This ensures that end users derive prolonged joy from our products.

Lastly, focusing on the development and emphasis of unique and timeless design, dependability, and graceful aging, among other approaches, proves crucial in enhancing emotional durability. Therefore, building a dedicated team responsible for developing and curating unique products, as exemplified by our team at Woodsaka, is essential.


Bhatta, S. R., Tiippana, K., Vahtikari, K., Hughes, M., & Kyttä, M. (2017). Sensory and Emotional Perception of Wooden Surfaces through Fingertip Touch. Frontiers in Psychology, 8, 367. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2017.00367

Burcikova, M. (2021). Mundane Durability: The Everyday Practice of Allowing Clothes to Last. In Proceedings of the 4th PLATE 2021 Virtual Conference, Limerick, Ireland, May 26-28, 2021. Retrieved from https://ualresearchonline.arts.ac.uk/id/eprint/18591/1/Burcikova_Mundane%20durability%202021.pdf

Cupchik, G. C. (1999). Emotion and industrial design: Reconciling meanings and feelings. In C. J. Overbeeke & P. Hekkert (Eds.), Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Design and Emotion (pp. 75-82). Delft: Delft University of Technology.

Eren, G. H. (2022). Design for emotional durability: The case of household light design. Sanat&Tasarım Dergisi, 12(1), 283-296.

Fujisaki, W., Tokita, M., & Kariya, K. (2015). Perception of the material properties of wood based on vision, audition, and touch. Vision Research, 109, 185–200. doi: 10.1016/j.visres.2014.11.020

Jensen, M. B. (2021). Emotional Durability– Strategies and Future Integration – A Case Study. PhD dissertation.

Jonsson, J. (2021). Reforming Consumption Habits Through Product Design: Design for Sustainable Development through prolonging product lifetime.

Jordan, P. W. (2000). Designing pleasurable products: An introduction to the new human factors. London: Taylor & Francis.

Mugge, R. (2008). Emotional bonding with products: Investigating product attachment from a design perspective. Saarbrucken: VDM Verlag.

Norman, D. A. (2004). Emotional design: Why we love (or hate) everyday things. New York: Basic Books.

Walker, S. (1995). Sustainable by design: Explorations in theory and practice. London: Earthscan.

WRAP. (2015). Clothing durability report. Banbury: Anthesis & Waste and Resources Action Programme. Retrieved from https://wrap.org.uk/

Yazirlıoğlu, L. (2021). Sustainable design considerations for emotional durability and product longevity through product care activities by repair enthusiasts. Master’s thesis.


Diseño emocionalmente duradero V: mejora de la durabilidad emocional del producto 3

La durabilidad emocional es fundamental para establecer una conexión duradera y significativa entre las personas y los productos que poseen. A diferencia de las tendencias pasajeras, los productos emocionalmente duraderos tienen la capacidad de trascender el tiempo y convertirse en elementos preciados de nuestras vidas. La importancia no reside sólo en la resistencia física del producto sino también en la resonancia emocional que evoca. Este vínculo emocional garantiza que un producto siga siendo relevante, valorado y capaz de adaptarse a las circunstancias cambiantes de la vida del usuario. A medida que profundizamos en la comprensión y mejora de la durabilidad emocional, esta publicación de blog abordará las dos últimas estrategias: Mantenimiento y reparación y Transparencia y trazabilidad.

Mantenimiento y reparación: el mantenimiento y la restauración de un producto permiten a las personas extender la vida útil de sus preciadas pertenencias. Sin embargo, cuando la calidad de un producto disminuye y su vida útil se acorta, la motivación para repararlo disminuye. Los académicos sostienen que la habilidad de arreglar y mantener productos contribuye a establecer una conexión emocional. Además, la reparación tiene el potencial de cultivar rituales o hábitos en los usuarios, fomentando un vínculo más profundo. Sin embargo, no todos los productos se prestan fácilmente a la reparación, ya que una mala calidad puede introducir complicaciones en el proceso y alteraciones. Por ejemplo, el simple engrasado de un tarjetero de madera se vuelve más complicado si no se lijó adecuadamente durante la producción. La calidad inherente de un producto determina su reparabilidad o renovabilidad.

Las investigaciones destacan nuestra tendencia a cuidar mejor los productos a los que estamos apegados emocionalmente. Algunos estudios sugieren que manejamos los artículos de gran valor con mayor cuidado, con el objetivo de prolongar su vida útil. Esto indica un enfoque concienzudo del mantenimiento y la voluntad de reparar cuando sea necesario. En consecuencia, la reparación y el mantenimiento juegan un papel crucial como facilitadores en la promoción de la Durabilidad Emocional (DE).

Transparencia y trazabilidad: compartir historias e información sobre cada producto es crucial, lo que permite a los clientes obtener información sobre la artesanía involucrada y fomentar una relación entre el usuario y el producto. Esta práctica permite a los usuarios conocer el origen de los materiales, el proceso de fabricación y las pautas de mantenimiento, contribuyendo a un mayor vínculo entre el cliente y los productos.

Es de gran importancia compartir narrativas y detalles sobre cada producto, ya que sirven como conductos de información y narradores. Los usuarios pueden establecer historias personales y distintivas con los productos, creando capas de significado y narrativa, que son elementos esenciales de la disfunción eréctil. La construcción de vínculos emocionales entre usuarios y objetos requiere una interacción sostenida y una asociación con los recuerdos. Iniciar un diálogo entre el usuario y el objeto sienta las bases para una relación duradera. Mantener esta conversación después de la compra se puede lograr a través de notas informativas en el empaque del producto o escritos en blogs, que narran la historia del producto y brindan información esencial sobre el cuidado, reparación y posibles actualizaciones para garantizar tanto la funcionalidad del producto como la conexión emocional del usuario. Es por eso que divulgamos información sobre los materiales utilizados en la elaboración de suministros de oficina Woodsaka en la sección de descripción de nuestro sitio web, y también ofrecemos detalles completos sobre los tipos específicos de madera utilizados en estos blogs.

En conclusión, establecer un vínculo emocional es primordial. Lamentablemente, una parte importante de los productos duraderos se desecha y se reemplaza incluso cuando aún están en funcionamiento. Las investigaciones indican que pocos productos se desechan por fallas funcionales sino más bien por falta de compromiso y desarrollo de un vínculo emocional. Formar una conexión emocional tiene el potencial de inculcar un comportamiento protector, mejorando así la retención del producto y retrasando la necesidad de reemplazarlo. Esto subraya la importancia de extender la vida activa de los productos, ofreciendo tanto beneficios ambientales como los ahorros más sustanciales en comparación con otras prácticas en el ciclo de vida del producto.

Después de explorar varias estrategias para extender la vida útil de los productos, era esencial profundizar en el concepto de durabilidad emocional para comprender la visión que subyace a los productos de oficina de Woodsaka. Creemos firmemente que crear elementos esenciales de oficina, ya sea tan pequeños como un lápiz o un sujetapapeles de nuestro encantador juego de 3 líneas o tan grandes como una caja de cables o un revistero, exige una atención meticulosa en cada paso de producción. Esto garantiza que los usuarios finales disfruten durante mucho tiempo de nuestros productos.

Por último, centrarse en el desarrollo y énfasis del diseño único y atemporal, la confiabilidad y el envejecimiento elegante, entre otros enfoques, resulta crucial para mejorar la durabilidad emocional. Por lo tanto, es esencial formar un equipo dedicado responsable de desarrollar y seleccionar productos únicos, como lo ejemplifica nuestro equipo en Woodsaka.


Bhatta, S. R., Tiippana, K., Vahtikari, K., Hughes, M., & Kyttä, M. (2017). Sensory and Emotional Perception of Wooden Surfaces through Fingertip Touch. Frontiers in Psychology, 8, 367. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2017.00367

Burcikova, M. (2021). Mundane Durability: The Everyday Practice of Allowing Clothes to Last. In Proceedings of the 4th PLATE 2021 Virtual Conference, Limerick, Ireland, May 26-28, 2021. Retrieved from https://ualresearchonline.arts.ac.uk/id/eprint/18591/1/Burcikova_Mundane%20durability%202021.pdf

Cupchik, G. C. (1999). Emotion and industrial design: Reconciling meanings and feelings. In C. J. Overbeeke & P. Hekkert (Eds.), Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Design and Emotion (pp. 75-82). Delft: Delft University of Technology.

Eren, G. H. (2022). Design for emotional durability: The case of household light design. Sanat&Tasarım Dergisi, 12(1), 283-296.

Fujisaki, W., Tokita, M., & Kariya, K. (2015). Perception of the material properties of wood based on vision, audition, and touch. Vision Research, 109, 185–200. doi: 10.1016/j.visres.2014.11.020

Jensen, M. B. (2021). Emotional Durability– Strategies and Future Integration – A Case Study. PhD dissertation.

Jonsson, J. (2021). Reforming Consumption Habits Through Product Design: Design for Sustainable Development through prolonging product lifetime.

Jordan, P. W. (2000). Designing pleasurable products: An introduction to the new human factors. London: Taylor & Francis.

Mugge, R. (2008). Emotional bonding with products: Investigating product attachment from a design perspective. Saarbrucken: VDM Verlag.

Norman, D. A. (2004). Emotional design: Why we love (or hate) everyday things. New York: Basic Books.

Walker, S. (1995). Sustainable by design: Explorations in theory and practice. London: Earthscan.

WRAP. (2015). Clothing durability report. Banbury: Anthesis & Waste and Resources Action Programme. Retrieved from https://wrap.org.uk/

Yazirlıoğlu, L. (2021). Sustainable design considerations for emotional durability and product longevity through product care activities by repair enthusiasts. Master’s thesis.